Does the Dropbox API for iOS provide the function of renaming folders/files in Dropbox. Does it also support the function of deleting folders/files from iOS?
Thanks in advance
Yes. Check out for iOS here Dropbox documentation.
Quick example:
DBRestClient *dbClient = [[DBRestClient alloc] initWithSession:[DBSession sharedSession]];
[dbClient moveFrom:fromPath toPath:toPath]; // Rename
[dbClient deletePath:path]; // Delete
Does Dropbox API for iOS provide The function of naming folders/files in Dropbox. Does it also support the function of deleting folders/files from iOS?
Thanks in advance
Yes. Check the Dropbox documentation for iOS here.
Quick example:
DBRestClient *dbClient = [[DBRestClient alloc] initWithSession:[DBSession sharedSession]];
[dbClient moveFrom:fromPath toPath:toPath]; / / Rename
[dbClient deletePath:path]; // Delete