I’m working on a dynamic form generator. Someone can create the following fields: string, text, boolean, number, file, etc.
Does it exist? A gem or guide for storing data from such dynamic fo
Ruby, a scripting language created for simple and fast object-oriented programming (object-oriented programming), was developed by Japanese Yukihiro Matsumoto in the 1990s and complies with the GPL agreement and Ruby License. Its inspiration and features come from Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp languages. The Ruby language itself has also developed Ruby language alternatives to other platforms such as JRuby (Java platform) and IronRuby (.NET platform). The author of Ruby started writing Ruby on February 24, 1993, and it was not officially released to the fj (news group) until December 1995. Because Perl is pronounced the same as the June birthstone pearl, Ruby is named after the July birthstone ruby.
I’m working on a dynamic form generator. Someone can create the following fields: string, text, boolean, number, file, etc.
Does it exist? A gem or guide for storing data from such dynamic fo
The following query is suitable for local but not for production: (production is heroku is running postgreSQL, local I am running sqllite database)
I read a post about rails load_paths, here is the link.
However, I am still confused about the difference between autoload_paths and eager_load_paths :
I tested them in a newly created
Reference: https://github.com/whomwah/rqrcode
1. gem’rqrcode’
2. In the helper:
3, views page 3. p> <%= image_tag generate_qr_code('http://baidu.com')%>
I am using the active_scaffold branch of vhochstein, and it runs very well on rails 3, except for some minor errors – http://github.com/vhochstein/active_scaffold. < /p> In rails 2.3, the following
I am looking for a tool or method that can convert my huge old database into active record model definitions…like reverse engineering… This is not a reverse engineering problem, it is more l
Is it possible to follow Typhoeus redirects and how? write something like this:
res = Typhoeus::Request.get(url, {:follow_location => true})
Is it possible to follow Typhoeus redirection and how?
Write something like this:
res = Typhoeus::Request.get(url, {:follow_location => true})
I need to store a lot of numbers: 100000076685963
For the integer of the db field type, which is the larger one. In my database migration, I use :
t.integer :fb_uid What field type shou
Can I access the parameters passed in the url in CanCan? I am trying to authenticate guests based on the token in the URL.
Thank you!
I am trying to access my first ruby project. Navigate to the correct directory and type:
$rails server
I received the following error message:
/Users/Rozey/.rvm/gems/ruby -1.9.2