Is there a norm of simplified XML subsets?

When I first heard about MicroXML supported by W3C, I thought of an idea I read a few years ago: a simpler subset of XML specifications, no attributes (no Namespace IIRC). In theory, such a specification will allow simpler, faster and higher memory parser implementations that can be considered too heavy in full XML and do not require most of its features

However, it turns out that MicroXML is not that simple-although it is simpler, it does retain attributes.

Does such a thing exist? A specification? An implementation (preferably in Java)? The closest I found is Christopher Diggins’ XML–(XML minus), but this never seems to have taken off.

Note: I do realize that JSON or several other things can be used in the situation I described. A format. However, out of curiosity, I am interested in a subset of XML that can be read by a regular XML parser and can be (even when parsing by a “simplified” special parser accessed via the DOM or SAX API) .

I am the person who put forward the idea of ​​XML-finally I found that JSON meets my needs and I Did not pursue the XML specification. I prefer JSON because it can be quickly parsed through Javascript, is much simpler than XML, and can be simply converted to XML as needed.

When I was first When I heard about MicroXML supported by W3C, I thought of an idea I read a few years ago: a simpler subset of XML specifications, no attributes (no namespace IIRC). In theory, such a specification will allow more Simple, faster and higher memory parser implementations that can be used in situations where full XML is considered too heavy and most of its features are not required.

However, It turns out that MicroXML is not that simple-although it is simpler, it does retain attributes.

Does such a thing exist? A specification? An implementation (preferably in Java)? The closest I found is Christopher Diggins’ XML–(XML minus), but this never seems to have taken off.

Note: I do realize that JSON or several other things can be used in the situation I described. A format. However, out of curiosity, I am interested in a subset of XML that can be read by a regular XML parser and can be (even when parsing by a “simplified” special parser accessed via the DOM or SAX API) .

I am the person who proposed the idea of ​​XML-finally I found that JSON satisfies my needs and I am not pursuing the XML specification. I prefer JSON because it It can be quickly parsed through Javascript, which is much simpler than XML, and can be easily converted to XML as needed.

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