Rewrite the onMessage method of CordovaActivity @Override
public Object onMessage(String id, Object data) {
if (“onPageFinished”.equals(id )) {
return super.onMessage(id, data);
Category: Cordova
Cordova provides a set of device-related APIs. Through this set of APIs, mobile applications can use JavaScript to access native device functions, such as cameras and microphones. Cordova also provides a unified set of JavaScript class libraries, as well as the native background code related to the devices used by these libraries. Cordova is an open source project contributed to Apache. It is the core code extracted from PhoneGap and is the core engine that drives PhoneGap. You can think of their relationship as similar to the relationship between Webkit and Google Chrome
Cordova – How to wait until the callback function returns?
I am using phonegap to make an Android application. I am using phonegap’s Storage api to query the database. This is my code:
function directPath(src, dest)
var db = window.openDatab
Display progress bar in Cordova local notification
I use this great plugin to implement local notifications when downloading files. I did not find how to display in the notification Progr
CORDOVA environment
1. Step list Prepare the dependent environment Install cordova Create the app, and build ol> Two, prepare the dependent environment 1. The installation package that needs to be prepared
Note: After gradle is downloaded, unzip it to a directory on the hard disk; installation steps: java->node->adb-studio
Cordova – Media.getduration Returns -1
I am trying to get the duration of an audio file. For this, I use the following code:
$.fntReproducir=function (){
//obtenemos una instancia del elemento que contiene la info. de cancion a r
Cordova iOS app Gets white Flash between Launch Storyboard and First Screen
I just converted an iOS Cordova app that uses the SplashScreen plugin to use Launch Storyboard, so it will support iOS 9 multitasking on the iPad. This works, but now I have a white flash between t
Phonegap CLI “Cordova Build iOS” failed
I used the following command to create a new hello world project,
cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld The project was created successfully, and then I added the ios platform
Meteor – How to keep your phone screen
I am working on a Meteor application that runs for a long time, and I am looking for a way to keep the screen when there is no user activity (of course the application is running).
Thank you<
Cordova – HTML5 video label, no need to call QuickTime player
I am an iOS developer. Recently I started to learn PhoneGap. This is my problem:
I want to use PhoneGap to make a video player application .Of course, by using the video tag, we can easily pl
Cordova: Error when adding the Android platform
I tried to add the android platform to my project, but I received an error:
~/learn/hello $cordova platform add android
npm http GET
npm http