Outpatient name system series -1. Voice called .NET C #

Recently received a request. A friend’s office needs to make an outpatient call number. The process is as follows: the patient selects a doctor-swipes the ID card to queue-the doctor clicks on the patient’s name to call the number.

Through the efforts of the team, a simple outpatient calling system has been completed. Record each function now for easy viewing later.

1. Voice calling

The calling DLL: DotNetSpeech.dll

The test code is as follows:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;

using DotNetSpeech;

namespace voice
    public partial class Form1: Form
        public Form1()
        /// Voice list
        List _voice = new List();
        private void btnSound_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.AddVoice(txtVoice1.Text, int.Parse(txtVolume1.Text), int.Parse(txtRate1.Text));
            this.AddVoice(txtVoice2.Text, int.Parse(txtVolume2.Text), int.Parse(txtRate2.Text));
            for (int i = 0; i <_voice.Count(); i++)
                    //Call number based on text
                    _voice[i].Speak(this.txtVoiceText.Text, SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFlagsAsync);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    txtError.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString() + ex.ToString() + "" + txtError.Text;

        /// Add voice library
        /// Voice library name
        /// Volume
        /// Speed ​​of sound
        public void AddVoice(string p_Name, int? p_Volume, int? p_Rate)
                for (int i = 0; i <_voice.Count(); i++)
                    if (_voice[i].Voice.GetAttribute("name") == p_Name)
                        _voice[i].Rate = p_Rate == null? -3: p_Rate.Value;
                        if (p_Volume != null) _voice[i].Volume = p_Volume.Value;
                SpVoice voice = new SpVoice();
                voice.Voice = voice.GetVoices(string.Format("name={0}", p_Name), "").Item(0);
                voice.Rate = p_Rate == null? -3: p_Rate.Value;
                if (p_Volume != null) voice.Volume = p_Volume.Value;
            catch(Exception ex) {
                txtError.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString()+ex.ToString() + "" + txtError.Text;

  The test interface is as follows:

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Notes: DotNetSpeech.dll does not support 64-bit, the startup program must be compiled to X86, DLL compilation requires ANYCPU, which is very strange, I can’t find the reason

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;

using DotNetSpeech;

namespace voice
    public partial class Form1: Form
        public Form1()
        /// Voice list
        List _voice = new List();
        private void btnSound_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.AddVoice(txtVoice1.Text, int.Parse(txtVolume1.Text), int.Parse(txtRate1.Text));
            this.AddVoice(txtVoice2.Text, int.Parse(txtVolume2.Text), int.Parse(txtRate2.Text));
            for (int i = 0; i <_voice.Count(); i++)
                    //Call number based on text
                    _voice[i].Speak(this.txtVoiceText.Text, SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFlagsAsync);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    txtError.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString() + ex.ToString() + "" + txtError.Text;

        /// Add voice library
        /// Voice library name
        /// Volume
        /// Speed ​​of sound
        public void AddVoice(string p_Name, int? p_Volume, int? p_Rate)
                for (int i = 0; i <_voice.Count(); i++)
                    if (_voice[i].Voice.GetAttribute("name") == p_Name)
                        _voice[i].Rate = p_Rate == null? -3: p_Rate.Value;
                        if (p_Volume != null) _voice[i].Volume = p_Volume.Value;
                SpVoice voice = new SpVoice();
                voice.Voice = voice.GetVoices(string.Format("name={0}", p_Name), "").Item(0);
                voice.Rate = p_Rate == null? -3: p_Rate.Value;
                if (p_Volume != null) voice.Volume = p_Volume.Value;
            catch(Exception ex) {
                txtError.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString()+ex.ToString() + "" + txtError.Text;

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