1. Make the minimize button gray:
setwindowlong(handle,gwl_style,getwindowlong(handle,gwl_style) and not ws_minimizebox);
2. Make the maximize button gray:
setwindowlong(handle,gwl_style,getwindowlong(handle,gwl_style) and not ws_maximizebox);
3. The close button turns gray
EnableMenuItem(GetSystemMenu (Handle, FALSE), SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_GRAYED);
4 Disable ATL+F4
Using the message mechanism to handle the close event
In the tform class Write
procedure wmclose(var msg:tmessage);message wm_close;
Then write the specific process
procedure tform1.wmclose (var msg:tmessage)
What you want to do when he presses it, you can put it in this process, if you want to continue to close, use
inherited ;
This will block ALT+F4