hadoop hive (emphasis) day-6
He is a storage warehouse
1) Hive metadata (similar to tables, column lengths, etc.) storage On mysql
Create/copy to create a new table
1)create table table_name like old_table //only table
2)create table table_name as select * from old_table
Four methods to add data:
1) insert into table_name select’data’ union all followed by data
2) with t as (select data )insert into table_name select * from t;
3) 1) Add when creating the table: location’hdfs path’
? 2) Upload local files to hdfs
? 3) The data will be automatically imported into the table
4) load data local inpath’path’ into table table name (if local is not added, the data in hdfs can be added)
< p>Clear the data in the table: truncate table table_name;
1) View more detailed information of the table: desc formatted table name
2) Display the table :Show create table name
3) Clear the data in the table: truncate table table_name;
1) When creating an external table, add an external, Add the specified address location’hdfs file address’ at the bottom of it.
2) The temporary table is created while adding a temporary
Example 1:
//Use database
use mydemo; (default database name: default)
//Create a new table
create table userinfos(
userid int,
username structfirstname:string,lastname:string,
password string,
likes array,
scores map
row format delimited
fields terminated by ‘|‘
collection items terminated by ‘,‘
map keys terminated by ‘:’
stored as textfile;