Because the recursion is achieved through the stack, although the recursive code sometimes looks simpler, then the recursion is too deep and it will be created p>
Stack overflow. So we can achieve non-recursive traversal of the binary tree through the stack. Let’s look at the analysis below:
[Pre-order traversal]
Look at the implementation code below:
void PreOrderTraverseNonR() {stacks; Node* cur = _root; if (cur == NULL) return; while (cur || !s.empty( )) {while (cur) {cout << cur->_data << ""; s.push(cur); cur = cur->_left;} Node* top =; s.pop() ; cur = top->_right; } cout << endl; }
[In-order traversal]
The implementation code is given below:
void InOrderTraverseNonR() {stacks; Node* cur = _root; if (cur == NULL) return; while (cur ||! s.empty()) {while (cur) {s.push(cur); cur = cur->_left;} Node* top =; cout << top->_data<<" "; s .pop(); cur = top->_right; } cout << endl; }
[Post-order traversal]
Look at the code below:
void PostOrderTraverseNonR() {if (NULL == _root) return; Node* prev = NULL; Node* cur = _root; stacks; while (cur || !s.empty( )) {while (cur) {s.push(cur); cur = cur->_left;} Node* top =; if (top->_right == NULL || top->_right == prev) {cout << top->_data << ""; prev = top; s.pop();} else {cur = top->_right;}} cout << endl; }