How to turn a box into a flexible box?
1. Define the attributes of a flexible box:
display:flex–>This attribute defines a flexible box.
flex:-direction:row–>Define the direction of the main axis. There are four values: ↓↓
row: The main axis is horizontal, and the sub-elements are arranged horizontally from left to right. (Default value)
row-reverse: the main axis is horizontal, and the sub-elements are arranged horizontally from right to left (not commonly used)
column: the main axis is the vertical direction, and the sub-elements are from the top Vertical arrangement to the bottom
column-reverse: the main axis is vertical, and the sub-elements are arranged vertically from top to bottom (not commonly used)
1 <div class< span style="color: #0000ff;">="box">
2 < div class="info">1div>
3 < div class="info">2div>
1 <div class="box">
2 < div class="info">1div>
3 < div class="info">2div>