Column | Type | Modifiers < br />------------+-----------------------------+---- -------------------------------------------------- --
id | integer | not null default nextval('merchants_id_seq'::regclass)
name | character varying | not null
nameb | jsonb | not null default'{}':: jsonb
So nameb will become {“en”:”$name”}, where $name is the value in the name field.
For example:
SELECT name,nameb
name | nameb
----------------- ---------------------+------------
hello | {}
world | {}
name | nameb
-------------------- ------------------+------------
hello | {"en": "hello"}
world | {"en": "world"}
Using the regualar type I can do UPDATE SET whatever =(SELECT …), but how to use it Does jsonb do this?
UPDATE Merchant SET nameb =(SELECT'{“en”:”fillme!”}’:: jsonb);It works, but how to set the value of “fillme!” in another field?
< pre>UPDATE merchants AS m1
SET nameb = (
SELECT row_to_json(t) FROM (
SELECT name as en FROM merchants AS m2 WHERE =
) t
Not sure if it is correct, but it does work
I want to put the data from one column (varchar ) Migrate to another column (jsonb)
Column | Type | Modifiers
------------+--- --------------------------+----------------------- ---------------------------------
id | integer | not null default nextval('merchants_id_seq': :regclass)
name | character varying | not null
nameb | jsonb | not null default'{}'::jsonb
So nameb will become {“en”: “$ name”}, where $name is the value in the name field.
For example:
SELECT name,nameb
name | nameb
-------------------------------- ------+------------
hello | {}
world | {}
name | nameb
----------------------------------- ---+------------
hello | {"en": "hello"}
world | {"en": "world"}
Using regualar type I can do UPDATE SET whatever =(SELECT …), but how to do it with jsonb?
UPDATE Merchant SET nameb =(SELECT'{“en”:”fillme!”}’:: jsonb);It works, but how to set the value of “fillme!” in another field?
I found a solution
UPDATE merchants AS m1
SET nameb = (
SELECT row_to_json(t) FROM (
SELECT name as en FROM merchants AS m2 WHERE =
) t
)::jsonb; pre>Not sure if it is correct, but it does work