1. Introduction to appium
1. Appium is an open source automated testing framework that supports mobile testing. The official website is appium.io
2. Platforms supported by appium: Android, iOS, some windows applications
3. Types of mobile APPs supported during testing
Native: Implementation technology (Android: java, iOS: objective-c)
web (html5)
hybrid (hybrid): both native and web
4. Features
open source
does not limit the programming language of client test scripts, supports Python, java, javascript, c/c++, ruby
mainly adopts c/s architecture: server (appium server implementation technology node.js ), the client side (the java version is used here to develop and run in eclipse)
5. Working principle
Write a test script in eclipse and run it
Send to the appium server for processing
The server controls the tested mobile terminal for automated operation
Appium client-server communication protocol JSON wired protocol
< p>Second, test environment
1, appium server: appium desktop
2, appium client
eclipse: introduce the appium java-client package (java- client, selenium, commos-Apache open source project, used to extend the original java class library)
Android SDK: Android development kit (platform-tools), adb, configuration environment variable ANDROID-HOME (android sdk path)
JDK: configure the environment variable JAVA-HOME (jdk path)
3, the tested mobile device: simulator or real machine
Three, Java language knowledge points
create project, create package, create class, member attribute, member method, create class object, static attribute, static method, encapsulation, overload, import package and class, Exception handling, generics
Four, create test scripts
1, process
create java project
Create package
Create java class
Introduce appium package
Write script in java class (create session, test operation, end session)
2, get the package name and the name of the interface (activity)
directly adb shell dumpsys activity|find “Focused”
first enter adb shell and then execute dumpsys activity| grep “Focused”
Four. Common API
1, session
(1) Screenshot
(2) Horizontal and vertical screen
driver.rotate(ScreenOrientation.PORTRAIT );
(3) Element positioning waiting timeout (implicit waiting)
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
2, Devices
(1) Switch between different apps
driver.startActivity(new Activity(“package name”,”class name”));< /p>
(2) Physical button
driver.pressKey(new KeyEvent(AndroidKey.VOLUME_UP));
driver.pressKey(new KeyEvent(AndroidKey.VOLUME_MUTE)) ;
driver.pressKey(new KeyEvent(AndroidKey.VOLUME_DOWN));
driver.pressKey(new KeyEvent(AndroidKey.BACK));
driver. pressKey(new KeyEvent(AndroidKey.HOME));
driver.pressKey(new KeyEvent(Androi dKey.POWER));
(3) Open the notification bar
(4) Get the current time of the phone
3, element
(1) Tools
uiautomator viewer under Android sdk
The inspector tool that comes with the appium server
(2) Method
driver.findElement, driver.findElements
by id
by class name
by accessibility id
by xpath
(3) Element operation
Click .click( )
input text.sendKey(“content”)
clear text.clear()
(4) Get element attributes
Get the text of the element.getText()
4, interaction
(1) Create AndroidTouchAction object
AndroidTouchAction ta1 = new AndroidTouchAction(driver);
(2) Click the coordinate point
ta1.tap(PointOption.point(110, 228));
(3) execute Operation
(4) Long press
ta1.longPress(PointOption.point(90, 320));
(5) Slide
ta1.moveTo(PointOption.point(450, 320));
ta1.moveTo(PointOption.point(90, 680));
ta1.moveTo(PointOption.point(450, 680));
( 6) Release
5. Testing framework
Automated testing process
demand analysis
Design test cases
Convert test cases into automated test scripts
Parameterization (preparing test data)
Checkpoint (Assertion)
Execute test
Generate test report