Experimental environment:
Virtual machine ha1:
Virtual machine ha2:
< span style="font-size:14px;font-family:'宋体';"> Virtual machine nfsserver:
Use heartbeat V2 crm(hb_gui)to achieve high availability of lamp+nfs+wordpress.(hb_gui) span>
In order to facilitate the experiment, the lamp environment Configure directly with yum, and remount the configured mysql database storage location to nfs
(a). The time between nodes must be synchronized: usentpprotocol implementation;< /p>
Server/etc/ntp .confFor reference:
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift
restrict-6 def ault kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
restrict restrict p>
restrict -6 ::1
restrict mask nomodify
restrict mask nomodify notrap noquery notrust
fudge stratum 8
server prefer
< span style="font-size:14px;"> includefile /etc/n tp/crypto/pw
keys /etc/ntp/keys
Note: You must wait after setting the restart service10-15try to sync again in minutes, command:ntpdata Host name,Compare the two
Whether the machine time is synchronized command:data;ssh’data’
(b). Nodes need to communicate with each other through host names, which must be resolved Host toIPAddress;
(1) It is recommended to use the name resolution functionhostsfile to achieve;
(2) The name used in the communication must be consistent with the node name: “uname -n” command, or “hostname“The displayed name
Keep the same;< /span>
(c) .Establish root between each nodeUsers can authenticate based on key;
# ssh-keygen -t rsa -P”
#ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@HOSTNAME
< span style="font-size:14px;">
(d) .Be sure to close SELINUX and clear iptables
Note: Defined as a resource in the cluster service, it must not be automatically started after booting; because They will be composed ofcrmManage;
nfsserverSet up shared storage
1. Create a mysql database Storage directory:
Mkdir /mysqldata
mkdir /wordpress< /span>
2. Release:< /p>
vim /etc/exports add
/mysqldata192.168.61.0/24(rw,no_root_sqlash) span>
/wordpress192.168.61.0/24(rw ,no_root_sqlash)
3. Start nfs:
service nfs start< /p>
1. yum -y install php php-mysqlmysql-server mysql
< p style="margin-left:28px;">
PHP configuration file after installation (php installed by yum uses plug-in mode by default):
MySQL after installation:
/var/lib/mysql/ Default database file storage location
servicemysqld start
servicehttpd start
< span style="font-family:'宋体';font-size:14px;">
< span style="font-size:14px;font-family:'宋体';">2.Test php:
(a). vim/var/www/html/index.php
Add the following content:
(b). Browse the webpage http://localhost/index.php to display php status information. Successfully installed
< /span>3.< /strong>test mysql< /p>
Enter mysql -u root to log in, and change the password by the way, here is 123456
SET PASSWORDFOR’root’@’ localhost’=PASSWORD(‘123456’);
4.Transfer mysql database to nfs
(a). Stop the database service first
servicemysqld stop
(b). Copy the original database information to nfs
scp -r/var/lib/mysql/*
(c). Delete the original database information
Rm -rf/var/lib/mysql/*
(d). Mount nfs
mount -tnfs 192.168. 61.136:/mysqldata /var/lib/mysql/
(e).Edit Permission
chown -Rmysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/*
(f) .Restart mysql service test
servicemysqld start
5.install wordpress
(a). Mount -t nfs /wordpress/var/www/html/
(b). Download wordpress-4.3.1-zh_CN.tar and unzip it to /var/www/html
(c). Log in to mysql to add wordpress database and user wordpress, password 123456
mysql -uroot -p
createdatabase wordpress;
GRANTALL ON *.* TO wordpress@’′ IDENTIFIED BY ‘123456’;
(d). Browser run http://localhost/wp-admin/install.php installation< /span>
The following error may be prompted
Copy the content and create wp-config.php manually.
Fill in some information as required, Successful installation
< p style="margin-left:28px;"> 6.Install heartbeat V2
( a). Install the epel source first, the system source does not have libnet
wget ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/dl.iuscommunity.org/ pub/ius/archive/Redhat/6/i386/epel-release-6-5.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh epel-release-6-5.noarch.rpm
(b). Install dependency package:
yuminstall net-snmp-libs libnet PyXML
rpm-ivh heartbeat-2.1.4-12.el6.x86_64.rpm
(c). Edit ha.cf file
vim /etc/ha.cf The content is as follows:
crm on #Turn on crm and automatically disable haresources
logfacility local0#The log uses the local0 setting in rsyslog
keepalive 1 #monitoring frequency, every 1 second
deadtime 3 #Death judgment time
warntime 2 #Exception warning time
mcast eth0 694 1 0 #Multicast address setting
auto_failback on #Automatically go online after repair
node node ha1 #Node Settings
node ha2#Node Settings
ping #third-party arbitration settings
(d). Edit the authkeys file
Auth 2 p>
#1 crc
2 sha1HI! #The longer the key phrase, the more random the better p>
#3 md5Hello!
1.Install hear tbeat V2 < /strong>
(a). Install epel source, system source does not have libnet
wget ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/dl.iuscommunity.org/pub/ius/archive/Redhat/6/i386/epel-release-6-5.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh epel-release-6-5.noarch.rpm span>
(b). Install dependency package:
yuminstall net-snmp-libs libnet PyXML
rpm-ivh heartbeat-2.1.4-12.el6.x86_64.rpm
(c). Edit ha.cf file
The content of vim /etc/ha.cf is as follows:
crm on #Turn on crm and automatically disable haresources
logfacility local0 #Log use the local0 setting in rsyslog
keepalive1 #monitoring frequency, every 1 second
deadtime3 #Death judgment time
warntime2 #Exception warning time
mcasteth0 694 1 0 #Multicast address setting
auto_failbackon #automatically go online after repair
node ha1 #Node Settings
node ha2 #Node Settings
ping #third-party arbitration settings
( d). Edit the authkeys file
auth 2
#1 crc< /p>
2 sha1HI! #The longer the key phrase, the more random the better
#3 md5Hello!
2. yum -y installphp php-mysql mysql-server mysql
PHP configuration file after installation (php installed by yum uses plug-in mode by default):
There is a /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/libphp5.so module file
mysql after installation:
< span style="font-family:'宋体';font-size:14px;"> /var/lib/mysql/ Default database file storage location
servicemysqld start
mysql -uroot -p Log in once to check whether the database is correct
servicehttpd start
3.Test php:
Browse the webpage http://localhost/index .php displays wordpress, you can log in and leave a message that is normal
4. Run hb_gui to set resources
hb_gui requires a specific user to log in to hb_gui to operate, hacluster under /etc/passwd, we must add a password for it, p>
Because it does not allow login with an empty password.
echo “123456” |passwd – stdinhacluster Each node that needs to run hb_gui needs to be set.
Enter hb_gui & run
添加资源:< /span>
< /p>
serviceheartbeat start