How to use SSR and offline priority features and merge the two technologies together?
SSR is able to render my javascript template in order to load the application faster and flicker-free, and most importantly, it can make any page SEO and NOjavascript friendly. This is for search engines, It is very important for social networks to crawl our website and provide better page accessibility.
The first service worker offline will allow me to store the shell of my application and possibly also some page content.
Using app shell architecture I believe you want your server to provide a simple index.html file that can be easily cached once by service workers. However, for SSR, you are serving dynamically rendered pages , The page changes according to the path, so you will eventually cache each page!
I have the same dilemma now. I haven’t started developing anything, but I have done some Researched to find some clues, and found that this article is still general, but there are examples of responses and virtual dom pwas, the key is the pokedex (virtual dom) example.
As you can see, they use web workers (pwa actually does not It is not needed because it is different from service workers). Now, I can’t tell you this, you should clearly read the post about pokedex and check the source code, maybe try the webworker method.
How to use SSR and offline priority functions and merge the two technologies together?
SSR is able to render my javascript template in order to load the application faster and flicker-free, and most importantly, it can make any page SEO and NOjavascript friendly. This is for search engines, It is very important for social networks to crawl our website and provide better page accessibility.
The first service worker offline will allow me to store the shell of my application and possibly also some page content.
Using app shell architecture I believe you want your server to provide a simple index.html file that can be easily cached once by service workers. However, for SSR, you are serving dynamically rendered pages , The page changes according to the path, so you will eventually cache each page!
I have the same dilemma now. I haven’t started developing anything yet, but I did some research to find some clues and found that this article is still General, but there are examples of responses and virtual dom pwas, the key is the pokedex (virtual dom) example.
As you can see, they use web workers (pwa does not actually need it because it is different from service workers) Now, I can’t tell you this, you should clearly read the post about pokedex and check the source code, maybe try the webworker method.