Set up * _f type dynamic fields
I want to list all added Dynamic fields, but no luck using the /schema/dynamicfields or /schema/fields route.
I saw that the schema browser in the web-app dashboard was able to list them and would like to know how to do it, anyone All clues?
select ?q=*:*&wt=csv&rows=0&facet&fl=*_f
It will provide you with all the dynamic fields currently in use that end with _f.
I’m running Solr 4.10.3.
Set up dynamic fields of type *_f
I want to list all the added dynamic fields, but I have no luck using/ schema/dynamicfields or /schema/fields routing.
I see that the schema browser in the web-app dashboard is able to list them and want to know how to do it, anyone has a clue?
This query
select?q=*:*&wt=csv&rows=0&facet&fl= *_f
All dynamic fields ending with _f that are currently in use will be provided for you.