This article shares the trial experience of Mir zynq7010 development board.
In the early stage, the PL part of Z-TURN was mainly developed. I hope to understand the logic architecture and system bus of the chip, as well as all peripherals. Later, I will start the development of the PS part. Let me just look at the system block diagram of the entire 7z010. All development is currently set up based on ISE14.6, which can be set in the software. See the PL and PS part of the bus connection and the PS and PL peripheral resources, according to the schematic diagram provided by Mill, find the control pin that controls the RGB LED, and write a veriloG code for RGB LED blinking, and successfully make the RGB LED blink stand up.
When researching this board, I found that the development board can develop NANDFLASH, but Mir did not paste it. If there is time in the later period, prepare to solder a Micron NANDFLASH by yourself for data storage. . < br>