DRBD+HEARTBEAT+NFS brief command record
Preliminary preparations: add disks to 2 machines, and connect 1 heartbeat sync line to the network
by fdisk- l It can be seen that there is a de
DRBD+HEARTBEAT+NFS brief command record
Preliminary preparations: add disks to 2 machines, and connect 1 heartbeat sync line to the network
by fdisk- l It can be seen that there is a de
Short comment: Software development practices have been changing all the time, as are tools and technologies. These changes are all aimed at improving productivity, quality, satisfying customers, s
8.5 mkfs: Create a Linux file system The mkfs command is used to create, format and create a file system on the specified device (or hard disk partition, etc.). Partition tools such as fdisk and p
spring data jpa
day1: an overview of orm thinking, hibernate, and jpa and basic operations of jpa
day2: springdata jpa’s operating principles and basic operations< br> day3: Multi-table operation
I have UIView showing Graph.. Now I need to capture it to UI Image and I searched it with google and got the following code. But if I use it in my code it doesn’t work . Even if I use the breakpoin
I am trying to use ActionMailer without Rails in my project and I want to use Haml for HTML email templates. Anyone has luck to get this configured and initialized in order to find and render the t
1 /**
2 * THis_is_a_cat
3 * This Is A Cat
4 *
5 * Cat A Is This
6 * @author Administrator
7 *
8 */
9 public class Test07Str {
10 public static void main(String[] args) {
Both versions provide a complete feature set for creating and sharing data visualizations. The Enterprise Edition also provides encryption at rest and Microsoft Active Directory (AD) integration. I
Scientific notation is a convenient method used by scientists to represent very large or very small numbers. It satisfies the regular expression [+-][1-9]. [0-9]+E[+-][0-9]+, that is, the integer p
For example:
.method private hidebysig instance void Insert(!TKey key, !TValue’value’, bool add ) cil managed
.maxstack 3
.locals init (
[0] int32 num,
[1] int32 num2,
[2] int32 num3,