I am trying to create a strongly typed view model, John Sheehan suggested here. Where should it go? I can defend myself for models, views and controllers. It should be placed in the “Models” dir
Category: Language
Programming language is a formal language used to define computer programs. It is a standardized communication technique used to issue instructions to a computer. A computer language allows programmers to accurately define the data that the computer needs to use, and precisely define the actions that should be taken in different situations.
Use scanf () input characters
I am trying to enter a role into a linked list, where the role can be’A’,’a’,’G’,’g’,’T’,’t’,’ C’or’c’.
I am not familiar with C yet, I know I messed up something:
printf (“\nEnter
C – How to use glortho () in OpenGL?
I can’t understand the usage of glOrtho. Can someone explain its usage?
Is it used to set the limits of x, y and z coordinates?
glOrtho(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0); This means that
ASP.NET-MVC – Linq Groupby in strong type MVC view
How to get IGrouping results to map to views?
I have this question:
var groupedManuals = manuals.GroupBy(c => c.Series);
return View (groupedManuals); What is the correct mapping of the
ASP.NET – Store dates hours in the database?
I’m writing a blog and want to display my posts in Eastern Time Zone. I think storing all UTC is the right way. This will bring some challenges:
>I have to convert all time from UTC to Easter
Debug ASP.NET CORE 2.0 Source Code
In Visual Studio 2017, symbols and source links can be used to debug the source code in ASP.NET Core 2.0. In this article, we will focus on how to use source links to debug ASP.NET Core sources.
When using PageAsynctask (Asynchronous ASP.NET page)
According to my understanding of reading about ASP.NET asynchronous pages, the method executed at the beginning of the asynchronous task is always executed between the pre-rendering and pre-renderi
Why SCANF must use the address of the operator
As the title says, I always want to know why scanf must take the address of the operator (&). Because C has only “pass-by-value” parameters, to pass a’variable’ to put a value, you must pass its
PRINTF parameter is insufficient
My question is about the behavior after printf with missing parameters:
printf(“%s blah blah %d “, int); // integer was given as argument (and not int written) I already know that if the form
Understand concurrent file writing from multiple processes
From here: Is file append atomic in UNIX
Consider the situation where multiple processes open the same file and append to it. O_APPEND guarantees that the file is found The write operation at