I need a Ruby and Python logo that can be used on commercial websites for free.
On Google Images, I can’t find such a logo; they all There is no clear license.
Where can I find such a “
Ruby, a scripting language created for simple and fast object-oriented programming (object-oriented programming), was developed by Japanese Yukihiro Matsumoto in the 1990s and complies with the GPL agreement and Ruby License. Its inspiration and features come from Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp languages. The Ruby language itself has also developed Ruby language alternatives to other platforms such as JRuby (Java platform) and IronRuby (.NET platform). The author of Ruby started writing Ruby on February 24, 1993, and it was not officially released to the fj (news group) until December 1995. Because Perl is pronounced the same as the June birthstone pearl, Ruby is named after the July birthstone ruby.
I need a Ruby and Python logo that can be used on commercial websites for free.
On Google Images, I can’t find such a logo; they all There is no clear license.
Where can I find such a “
I have built an application in Spanish and English. On my console, if the object returns a validation error, I will receive an error message in English. I want to set up my rails console, so I will
I have an old 2.1.1 Ruby on Rails application and the system was upgraded to use Ruby 1.8.7. It originally used around 1.8.5.
I can’t find any simple different Ruby version and Ruby on Rails
I want to start a very long polling request from javascript, which is good, I want my ruby prog to stream multiple body parts to javascript. Why the following (pseudo) The code does not work?
Is there a way to create an alias for an instance variable (not talking about the db alias attribute) instead of assigning it to another instance var?
For example:
An error occurred after issuing the git push heroku command. This at first seemed to be bundled by using the heroku config command without the need for development: test gems. However, I’m in this
I am trying to develop a Ruby on Rails application that will detect the client, that is, the mobile device (browser) that connects to the server and renders the appropriate layout.
I try to use Th
I am using Textmate version 1.5.15 (1523) on OX X Snow Leopard. My .rb file has only basic highlighting, each of which is highlighted in double quoted strings It will break in appearance. The synta
I am new to developing rails applications. I am trying to set everything up on Ubuntu 11.04. I have installed RVM (1.8.7 and 1.9.2) and installed rubygems. But when I try to install rails using
What I want to do is to allow my admin users to see in real time (through some AJAX/jQuery benefits) – what my users are doing.
What should I do?
I think it has something to do with the