I am trying to update the math library to be compatible with Swift 3, but I encountered an error:
‘Sequence’ requires types’T’ and’ ArraySlice’ is equivalent to
The Apple documentation
Mobile development refers to the program development of mobile phone software in the mobile Internet industry. The basic development languages are C, C++, JAVA, J2ME, etc. The mobile phone operating platforms involved include Symbian, WindowsMobile, Android, IPhone, OPhone, Linux, etc. The software development of these mobile phone operating system platforms is collectively referred to as mobile development.
I am trying to update the math library to be compatible with Swift 3, but I encountered an error:
‘Sequence’ requires types’T’ and’ ArraySlice’ is equivalent to
The Apple documentation
I want to get the current time, so far I have completed this:
let date = NSDate()
let calender = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
let components = calender.component([.Hour, .Minute], fromDate
I am confused…If there is no proper support for WCF binding, how does MS release two versions of Silverlight? Should they at least not support wsHTTP binding? Can the service have appropriate mes
I have a very general function that needs to return AnyObject:
func backgroundFunction(dm: DataManager) -> AnyObject {
} But in some cases I want to return an empty/null value
I th
The above code is the ItemTemplate of my ItemsControl. All the Radiobuttons I want to instantiate should behave as if they are in a group. I know the reason, because the generated RadioButtons are
I have a list box in which the following data templates are defined:
List box:
The problem is as follows; when the user selects an item in the list box, I want to display other informat
I have a button with the following image:
let btnFoo = new Button()
let imgBar = new BitmapImage(new System.Uri(“images/whatever.png”, System.UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)) I want the button co
I am using Xcode 9.2 and Swift 4. How to check whether the returned json data is empty?
Now it gives me error if json [0] [“data”] type’Any’ has no subscript member in the line
var json: NSM
This seems to be such a stupid question, but I can’t figure out for the life of me how to use WrapPanel in the recent (April 2010) Silverlight toolkit. < /p> Obviously they think it’s a good idea t
I am developing a Silverlight application (i.e. no HTML content at all), and one of the biggest complaints is that if the user accidentally clicks F5, the application will restart. p> So is ther