I am using Ionic 2. on Windows for Android. When I add the cordova-plugin-fcm plugin, I can no longer build the project. This is the error I get: < /p>
Total time: 4.697 secs
Mobile development refers to the program development of mobile phone software in the mobile Internet industry. The basic development languages are C, C++, JAVA, J2ME, etc. The mobile phone operating platforms involved include Symbian, WindowsMobile, Android, IPhone, OPhone, Linux, etc. The software development of these mobile phone operating system platforms is collectively referred to as mobile development.
I am using Ionic 2. on Windows for Android. When I add the cordova-plugin-fcm plugin, I can no longer build the project. This is the error I get: < /p>
Total time: 4.697 secs
The h5 engine is currently in the research phase, and a TS version of the engine library is packaged based on Cocos2d-html5. Foreword In the past, we encapsulated the content of UI and Scene. The
I am trying to get images from a gallery with cordova camera plugin, this is how I did it:
navigator.camera.getPicture(onSuccess, onFail, {
quality: 50,
sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType
Choose to figure out the four main steps of the web rendering process before recording optimized content:
The above steps are a gradual process. In order to improve the user experience, the r
I want to save the image from the ios application to the gallery so that the user can share it.
My application uses ionic framework & ngCordova. I I want to save the image like this:
I want to send notifications via OneSignal, I follow all the steps in the document but always show this message’Apple returned BadDeviceToken error. Some users are bound to different environments w
I have been using PhoneGap to develop a very simple application for iOS recently. All of this really requires the user to enter some coordinates and then delete the marker on the Google Map of the
How to use ionic framework to get IMEI on IOS? You can use the “device” object in Cordova. The device object describes the hardware and software of the device. Because of the “device” It is assi
When cordova build android is issued, the build.gradle file will be automatically generated.
I want this script to insert a variable into the strings.xml file. I can add resValue to build.gradle O
cordova custom plug-in Note: The directory where the custom cordova plug-in is stored must not contain spaces. An error may be reported.
npm install -g cordova -g is to install cordova glo