In Python, I can create a repeating list like this:
>>> [1,2,3 ]*3
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] Is there a concise method in Swift?
The best thing I can do is:
1> var r = [Int]()
Swift, a new development language released by Apple at WWDC (Apple Developer Conference) in 2014, can run on Mac OS and iOS platforms together with Objective-C* to build applications based on the Apple platform. Swift is an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use programming language, and it is also the first system programming language with the same expressiveness and fun as a scripting language. Swift is designed with safety as the starting point to avoid various common programming error categories.
In Python, I can create a repeating list like this:
>>> [1,2,3 ]*3
[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] Is there a concise method in Swift?
The best thing I can do is:
1> var r = [Int]()
I rarely see people using [weak self] in didSet. Is there a reason?
I tried to use [weak self] in the didSet of the variable:
var data: Dictionary! {// [1]
didSet {[2]
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Common Swift data types value type enum Optional structure (Struct) Bool, Int, Float, Double, Character String, Array, Dictionary, Set reference type class class
Sw The use of ift’s
I see the following in the code I maintain:
func parse(values: NSMutableDicationary) {
let data = try? values, options: JSONSerialization.WritingOption
According to this answer, to get the maximum value of the array, we can do:
let nums = [1, 6, 3, 9, 4, 6];
let numMax = nums.reduce(Int.min, {max($0, $1) }) How do we do for Array< Float> The
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I created a UIButton in tvOS via Swift
let randomBtn = UIButton()
randomBtn. setTitle(“Zufällig”, forState: .Normal)
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let RndHoover = UIImage(named:
I have an array of strings, but all the jingle is written in uppercase letters. Is there a way for me to set all the strings in the array to lowercase (and use uppercase and lowercase) )