Category: OS
Operating System (Operating System, referred to as OS) is a computer program that manages and controls computer hardware and software resources. It is the most basic system software that runs directly on the “bare metal”. Any other software must be supported by the operating system to run .
Solve CentOS 7 Minimally installed no ifconfig command
Requirement: After we installed a new system on the server (centos 7), because it was a minimal installation, many toolkits were not installed, but you need to install it manually. The ifconfig co
PXE deploying CentOS7.6
Environment: Centos7.6
Host IP:
ISO image mount point: /media
1, install vsftpd service, and start the service; p> yum install vsftpd -y systemctl start vsftpd
2, in
Use decorator to log in to verify
{‘name’:’tom’,’passwd’:’123< span style="color: #800000;">‘},
{‘name’:’ubuntu’,’passwd’:’123< span style="color: #800000;">‘},
{‘name’:’centos’,’passwd’:’123< span style="color: #
POJ 2528 Mayor’s Posters [Sub-segment tree – interval update + Discrete] [Data Structure]
Subject link:
——————————————-. < br> Mayor’s posters
Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 60379 Accepted: 17492
The ci
[Data Structure] CODE [VS] 4373 window (dual-end queue sliding window)
Click to get the window
The rubbish topic destroys my youth.
The word problem of the deque, the template problem of the sliding window?
Why are all playing simulations except me, I us
[Data Structure] Traverse of the binary tree
/* * 1. Recursive and non-recursive implementation of preorder traversal* 2. Intermediate traversal Recursive and non-recursive implementations of * 3. Recursive and non-recursive implementations o
[DONGLE] [Data Structure] While loop and for loop
Recently, when dealing with the positioning of the sequence table in the data structure, I thought of using a for loop, but the textbook wrote a while loop, so I was confused. What should I use?
Coding mode C #
A few days ago I encountered some code that looked like this during the code review.
public void DoSomeTasks( )
if (CheckSomeState()==true) return;
if (CheckSomeState()==tru
[Data Structure] Judging the legitimacy of the outlet order
A brief description of the problem
Given a stacking order, and then specify a stacking order, the legality of the stacking order is judged by the program.
The idea is as follows: