Shell exercise -16

Question requirements Count the number of numbers that appear in each line of the document a.txt and calculate how many numbers appear in the entire document. For example, the content of a.txt is a

UNIX foundation day_01

unix operating system
why? Choose an operating system according to user needs
Individual users: windows
Enterprise users: do server-side (website) development
Server-side requirements :
1) Secu


1 shellcode low 2Gb warning , Should use high 2GB stable: inkernel hook: Because the low 2gb data of each process is different; therefore, the code should be placed at the high 2gb in the kernel h

Shell script 8-19

Common logical statements

1, for statement:

for variable in list; do

for((初始语句; 判断语句; 值变化语句)); do

case statement:

2, case variable in