Solutaion A. Creating a Character Title:
Give The initial physical strength value \(str\) and the intelligence value \(int\), then you can put the \(str\) class=”math inline”>\(exp\) are assigned
Category: CSS
Cascading Style Sheets (Cascading Style Sheets) is a computer language used to express HTML (an application of Standard Universal Markup Language) or XML (a subset of Standard Universal Markup Language). The latest version of CSS is CSS3, which is a style design language that can truly separate web page performance and content. Compared with the performance of traditional HTML, CSS can accurately control the position and layout of objects in web pages, supports almost all font size styles, has the ability to edit web page objects and model styles, and can perform preliminary interactions. Design is currently the best expressive design language based on text display.
Front end CSS
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet): defines how to display HTML elements CSS selection Basic selector Element selector p< /span>{color:”red”;} ID selector #i1{
} Class select
Position attribute four values: Static, Fixed, Absolute and Relative Differences and Usage (transfer from Bo Friends Newbie_ White)
When using CSS+DIV for layout, the four attribute values of position, relative, absolute, static, and fixed, are not clearly divided, so that there are often very depressing results. I researched
CSS_ 中 中
Centering in CSS can be divided into Horizontal Center and Vertical Center. Horizontal centering can be divided into two cases: in-line element centered and block element centered, while block elem
DAY45_9_4 Front end (2) CSS
One. Three types of css import for css:
1. Defined internally in the tag (not recommended).
2. The style in the head always defines the style.
3. Use link to link external css fil
Extract xPath, Re, CSS
(1)/Extract layer by layer
(2)text() Extract the text below the label
(3)/ /Tag name extract all tags
(4)//Tag name[num>=1] Extract sibling nodes with the same tag nam
Vue can not modify the style after adding scoped (unable to modify the Element UI style)
Sometimes the default style provided by element cannot meet the needs of the project, and we need to modify the style of our team label, but it is found that the modified style does not work
1, Eric Meyer’s “Reset CSS” 2.0
1 /**
2 * Eric Meyer’s Reset CSS v2.0 (http: //
3 *
4 */
5 html, body, div, span, applet, object
CSS () Get a simple package of the style current value and setting style
function css() {
if (arguments.length == 2) {
//Get the style
if (getComputedStyle(arguments[0], false)) {
//Standard browser
var attr = arguments[1];
return getComputedStyle(arguments[
CSS selector
8. CSS selector 8.1. Tag selector
Function: Set the style for a certain tag specified on the page.
Label name{
Attribute name 1: Attribute value 2;
Attribute name 2: Attribute value 2;