8.5 mkfs: Create a Linux file system The mkfs command is used to create, format and create a file system on the specified device (or hard disk partition, etc.). Partition tools such as fdisk and p
Month: August 2021
12 Spring Data JPA: OLM Thought and Hibernate and JPA Overview and JPA Basic Operation
spring data jpa
day1: an overview of orm thinking, hibernate, and jpa and basic operations of jpa
day2: springdata jpa’s operating principles and basic operations< br> day3: Multi-table operation
iPhone – Howe Capture UiView Top UiView
I have UIView showing Graph.. Now I need to capture it to UI Image and I searched it with google and got the following code. But if I use it in my code it doesn’t work . Even if I use the breakpoin
ruby – Haml ActionMailer – Rails?
I am trying to use ActionMailer without Rails in my project and I want to use Haml for HTML email templates. Anyone has luck to get this configured and initialized in order to find and render the t
String string running group
1 /**
2 * THis_is_a_cat
3 * This Is A Cat
4 *
5 * Cat A Is This
6 * @author Administrator
7 *
8 */
9 public class Test07Str {
10 public static void main(String[] args) {
Amazon Quicksight provides standard and enterprise version
Both versions provide a complete feature set for creating and sharing data visualizations. The Enterprise Edition also provides encryption at rest and Microsoft Active Directory (AD) integration. I
PAT Basic 1024 Scientific Counting Method (20 points) Advanced 1073 Scientific Notation (20 points)
Scientific notation is a convenient method used by scientists to represent very large or very small numbers. It satisfies the regular expression [+-][1-9]. [0-9]+E[+-][0-9]+, that is, the integer p
.NET 4.0 Dictionary: Value Class Type button for invalid ‘null’ check. Is this harmful?
For example:
.method private hidebysig instance void Insert(!TKey key, !TValue’value’, bool add ) cil managed
.maxstack 3
.locals init (
[0] int32 num,
[1] int32 num2,
[2] int32 num3,
1. Big Data Cluster Environment Preparation
1. Three virtual machines turn off the firewall Execute the following commands on three machines (executed by the root user)
service iptables stop
chkconfig iptables off
vim /etc/
Font-Awesome – Citrix: Unloaded web fonts in the Citrix browser
We are developing an intranet website, we use Google fonts and Font Awesome, the method is as follows:
People can access the Intranet through Citrix from the outside, and Citrix has its brows