I use a selector view controller in my application. Now I want to change the color of the background color. Then how can I change the background color of the selector view and also want to change R
Month: September 2021
What is the pixels and points in the iPhone?
From UI Image Reference,
The dimensions of the image, taking orientation into account.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) CGSize size Discussion
In iOS 4.0 an
Close the keyboard on the iPad
The ResignFirstResponder of the UITextField on the iPhone cannot be used on the Ipad.
How to unlock my keyboard programmatically?
Thank you,
If your UITextField is in a modal page view
IPAD translucent status bar?
Is there a way to keep the iPad’s status bar translucent? I get this error when trying to do this: UIStatusBarStyleBlackTranslucent is not available on this device. iPad does not support translu
iPhone – How do I detect click notes PIN on a map?
I want to detect click on the annotation pin (mapkit) so that I can perform actions on the event.
Now, if I touch the annotation pin, The default comment tag will pop up. I want to customize
Cocoa – Understand the VM_STAT in the Mac OS, how to convert these numbers to something similar to the Activity Monitor?
I am trying to write a mac os program to monitor the system (similar to activity monitor). I checked the function vm_stat and when I run it, I get this:
Mach Virtual Memory Statistics: (page
Why do CoreData ForceFetch instead of iPhone after deleting it on an iPad?
When running the following code on iPhone (ios 3.1), the number of objects obtained after deletion is one less than before deletion. But on iPad (ios 3.2), the number is still the same. This incons
iPhone – UIActionsheet in the horizontal direction has incorrect Buttonindicies
I have an action sheet that makes me feel sad about the horizontal iPhone. Everything is displayed very well, but in Landscape, the first real button has the same effect as the cancel button Index,
iPhone – How to draw multi-line text using DrawatPoint?
I am custom drawing some text:
point = CGPointMake(77, 5);
[ [message valueForKey:@”user_login”] drawAtPoint:point forWidth:200
iPad – arrive when Popover is still visible
SearchViewController *searchview =[[SearchViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@”SearchViewController” bundle: nil];
settingpopoverController = [[[UIPopoverControl