One problem I face is that when the subviews are in a swing state, the CPU usage will reach 99%, and I will change the page.
Instruments has a tool called “CPU Sampler”. I can’t find a good set of documentation for this tool. I don’t know how to read the generated files Output. Can anyone give me a small tutorial or guidelines? Can I check which piece of code is responsible for CPU activity?
I am developing a springboard-like application (such as the iPhone’s home screen). I have multiple pages, and each page contains Many subviews. Each subview is able to detect touch and hold events. Once the touch and hold event is recognized, all subviews will start to wiggle.
One problem I face is when the child When the view is oscillating, the CPU usage will reach 99%, and I will change the page.
Instruments has a tool called “CPU Sampler”. I cannot find a good set of documentation for this tool . I don’t know how to read the output generated by this tool. Can anyone give me a small tutorial or guidelines? Can I check which piece of code is responsible for CPU activity?
Go to WWDC 2010 session video, and select Session 135-Advanced Performance Optimization on iPhone OS. It explains a lot about Core Animations instruments.< /p>