MacOS – Visual Studio .Net Core 2 command line parameters for Mac console applications

I want to use a console application and some command-line parameters to test something. I know the run options in Visual Studio 2017 for Windows, where you can specify command-line parameters, but The same settings in Visual Studio for Mac don’t seem to work. I have provided some command line parameters in the run configuration of the default configuration in the parameter entry, but when debugging, the args[] is empty. Is this an error or I missed What’s up?


for the following Rebuild the project with the command line parameters:

Project Options> Configurations> [Configuration name]> Arguments to be passed into your Main successfully.

I want to use a console application and some command line parameters to test something. I know the run options in Visual Studio 2017 for Windows , You can specify command line parameters in it, but the same settings in Visual Studio for Mac don’t seem to work. I have provided some command line parameters in the run configuration of the default configuration in the parameter entry, but when debugging, args [ ] Is empty. Is this a bug or am I missing something?


Rebuild the project for the command line parameters provided below:

Project Options> Configurations> [Configuration name]> Arguments to be passed into your Main successfully.

< /p>

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