COCOS CREATOR Development Environment Configuration

Cocos Creator official documentation

Install and configure native development environment< /h3>



Android Studio

http:/ /



ANT bindownload.cgi

Python 2.7.5+, download page

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After clicking Run, if the android phone is connected

< div class="item">

Compi le native project successfully.

< div class="text"> Start to run project

Start to run project. Please wait.. .

The log file path [C:\Users\billy\.CocosCreator\logs\native. log ]
After a while, the installation interface will pop up, and then it will run automatically
The apk file can also be found in the project path\build\jsb-binary[or jsb-default]\frameworks\runtime-src\\bin

< /p>

Compile native project successfully.

Compile native project successfully.

Compile native project successfully.

Start to run project

Start to run project

Start to run project

Start to run project. Please wait…

Start to run project. Please wait…

Start to run project. Please wait…

< /p>

The log file path [C:\Users\billy\.CocosCreator\logs\native.log ]
etc. After a while, the installation interface pops up, and then it runs automatically
Project path\build\jsb-binary[or jsb-default]\frameworks\runtime-src\\bin You can also find the apk file inside

The log file path [C:\Users\billy\.CocosCreator\logs\native.log ]
After a while, the installation interface pops up, and then it runs automatically
Project path\build\jsb-binary[or jsb-default]\frameworks\runtime- The apk file can also be found in src\\bin

The log file path [C:\Users\billy\.CocosCreator\logs\native.log ]

Wait for a while, the installation interface will pop up, and then It runs automatically

The apk file can also be found in the project path\build\jsb-binary[or jsb-default]\frameworks\runtime-src\\bin

< /p>