- EventListenerTouch: Responding to touch events
- EventListenerKeyboard: Responding to keyboard events
- EventListnerAcceleration: respond to acceleration events
- EventListenMouse: respond to mouse events
- EventListnerCustom: respond to custom events
// When "swallow touches" is true, then returning'true' from the
// onTouchBegan method will "swallow" the touch event, preventing
// other listeners from using it.
listener1- >setSwallowTouches(true);
// you should also return true in onTouchBegan()
listener1->onTouchBegan = [](Touch* touch, Event* event){
// your code
return true;
Fixed value priority: use an integer With a numerical value, a listener with a lower data value will receive an event first than a listener with a higher value.
Scene priority: It is the pointer to the node object. The listener in the node with higher z-order will receive the event first than the node with higher z-order.
Touch events
// Create a "one by one" touch event listener
// (processes one touch at a time)
auto listener1 = EventListenerTouchOneByOne ::create();
// trigger when you push down
listener1->onTouchBegan = [](Touch* touch, Event* event){
// your code
return true; // if you are consuming it
// trigger when moving touch
listener1->onTouchMoved = [](Touch* touch, Event* event){
// your code
// trigger when you let up
listener1->onTouchEnded = [=](Touch* touch , Event* event){
// your code
// Add listener
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener1, this);
When onTouchBegan starts to touch the screen
When onTouchMoved touches the screen and moves on the screen at the same time
When onTouchEnded finishes touching the screen
Keyboard events
// creating a keyboard event listener
auto listener = EventListenerKeyboard::create();
listener->onKeyPressed = CC_CALLBACK_2(KeyboardTest::onKe yPressed, this);
listener->onKeyReleased = CC_CALLBACK_2(KeyboardTest::onKeyReleased, this);
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
// Implementation of the keyboard event callback function prototype
void KeyboardTest::onKeyPressed(EventKeyboard::KeyCode keyCode, Event* event)
log("Key with keycode %d pressed", keyCode);
void KeyboardTest::onKeyReleased(EventKeyboard::KeyCode keyCode, Event* event)
log("Key with keycode %d released ", keyCode);
onKeyPressed when the button is pressed
onKeyReleased when the pressed button is released
acceleration sensor event
// creating an accelerometer event
auto listener = EventListenerAcceleration::create(CC_CALLBACK_2(
AccelerometerTest::onAcceleration , this));
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
// Implementation of the acce lerometer callback function prototype
void AccelerometerTest::onAcceleration(Acceleration* acc, Event* event)
// Processing logic here
Mouse event
_mouseListener = EventListenerMouse::create();
_mouseListener->onMouseMove = CC_CALLBACK_1(MouseTest::onMouseMove, this);
_mouseListener->onMouseUp = CC_CALLBACK_1(MouseTest::onMouseUp , this);
_mouseListener->onMouseDown = CC_CALLBACK_1(MouseTest::onMouseDown, this);
_mouseListener->onMouseScroll = CC_CALLBACK_1(MouseTest::onMouseScroll, this);
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(_mouseListener, this);
void MouseTest::onMouseDown(Event *event)
// to illustrate the event....
EventMouse* e = (EventMouse*)event;
string str = "Mouse Down detected, Key: ";
str += tostr(e->getMouseButton());
}< br />
void MouseTest::onMouseUp(Event *event)
// to illustrate the event....
EventMouse* e = (EventMouse*)event;
string str = "Mouse Up detected, Key: ";
str += tostr(e->getMouseButton());
void MouseTest::onMouseMove(Event *event)
// to illustrate the event....
EventMouse* e = (EventMouse*)event;< br /> string str = "MousePosition X:";
str = str + tostr(e->getCursorX()) + "Y:" + tostr(e->getCursorY());
void MouseTest::onMouseScroll(Event *event)
// to illustrate the event....
EventMouse* e = (EventMouse*)event ;
string str = "Mouse Scroll detected, X: ";
str = str + tostr(e->getScrollX()) + "Y:" + tostr(e->getScrollY());
- EventListenerTouch: Respond to touch events
- EventListenerKeyboard: respond to keyboard events
- EventListnerAcceleration: respond to acceleration events
- EventListenMouse: respond to mouse events
- EventListnerCustom: respond to custom events
// When "swallow touches" is true, then returning'true' from the
// onTouchBegan method will "swallow" the touch event, preventing
// other listeners from using it.
// you should also return true in onTouchBegan()
listener1->onTouchBegan = [](Touch* touch, Event* event){
// your code
< br /> return true;
Fixed value priority: use an integer value, the listener with lower data is better than the listener with higher value The listener receives the event first.
Scene priority: It is the pointer to the node object. The listener in the node with higher z-order will receive the event first than the node with higher z-order.
Touch events
// Create a "one by one" touch event listener
// (processes one touch at a time)
auto listener1 = EventListenerTouchOneByOne ::create();
// trigger when you push down
listener1->onTouchBegan = [](Touch* touch, Event* event){
// your code
return true; // if you are consuming it
// trigger when moving touch
listener1->onTouchMoved = [](Touch* touch, Event* event){
// your code
// trigger when you let up
listener1->onTouchEnded = [=](Touch* touch , Event* event){
// your code
// Add listener
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener1, this);
When onTouchBegan starts to touch the screen
When onTouchMoved touches the screen and moves on the screen at the same time
When onTouchEnded finishes touching the screen
Keyboard events
// creating a keyboard event listener
auto listener = EventListenerKeyboard::create();
listener->onKeyPressed = CC_CALLBACK_2(KeyboardTest::onKeyPresse d, this);
listener->onKeyReleased = CC_CALLBACK_2(KeyboardTest::onKeyReleased, this);
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
// Implementation of the keyboard event callback function prototype
void KeyboardTest::onKeyPressed(EventKeyboard::KeyCode keyCode, Event* event)
log("Key with keycode %d pressed", keyCode);
void KeyboardTest::onKeyReleased(EventKeyboard::KeyCode keyCode, Event* event)
log("Key with keycode %d released ", keyCode);
onKeyPressed when the button is pressed
onKeyReleased when the pressed button is released
acceleration sensor event
// creating an accelerometer event
auto listener = EventListenerAcceleration::create(CC_CALLBACK_2(
AccelerometerTest::onAcceleration , this));
_eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this);
// Implementation of the accelerometer ca llback function prototype
void AccelerometerTest::onAcceleration(Acceleration* acc, Event* event)
// Processing logic here
Mouse event< /h3>
_mouseListener = EventListenerMouse::create();
_mouseListener->onMouseMove = CC_CALLBACK_1(MouseTest::onMouseMove, this);
_mouseListener->onMouseUp = CC_CALLBACK_1(MouseTest::onMouseUp, this);
_mouseListener->onMouseDown = CC_CALLBACK_1(MouseTest::onMouseDown, this);
_mouseListener->onMouseScroll = CC_CALLBACK_1(MouseTest::onMouseScroll, this);
_eventDispatcher ->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(_mouseListener, this);
void MouseTest::onMouseDown(Event *event)
// to illustrate the event....
EventMouse* e = (EventMouse*)event;
string str = "Mouse Down detected, Key: ";
str += tostr(e->getMouseButton());
void MouseTest::onMouseUp(Event *event)
// to illustrate the event....
EventMouse * e = (EventMouse*)event;
string str = "Mouse Up detected, Key: ";
str += tostr(e->getMouseButton());
void MouseTest::onMouseMove(Event *event)
// to illustrate the event....
EventMouse* e = (EventMouse*)event;
string str = "MousePosition X:";
str = str + tostr(e->getCursorX()) + "Y:" + tostr(e->getCursorY());
}< br />
void MouseTest::onMouseScroll(Event *event)
// to illustrate the event....
EventMouse* e = (EventMouse*)event;
string str = "Mouse Scroll detected, X: ";
str = str + tostr(e->getScrollX()) + "Y:" + tostr(e->getScrollY());< br />}
_mouseListener->onMouseMove = CC_CALLBACK_1(MouseTest::onMouseMove, this);
_mouseListener->onMouseUp = CC_CALLBACK_1(MouseTest::onMouseUp, this);
_mouseListener->onMouseDown = CC_CALLBACK_1(MouseTest::onMouseDown, this);
_mouseListener->onMouseScroll = CC_CALLBACK_1(MouseTest::onMouseScroll, this);
_eventDispatcher ->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(_mouseListener, this);
void MouseTest::onMouseDown(Event *event)
// to illustrate the event....
EventMouse* e = (EventMouse*)event;
string str = "Mouse Down detected, Key: ";
str += tostr(e->getMouseButton());
void MouseTest::onMouseUp(Event *event)
// to illustrate the event....
EventMouse * e = (EventMouse*)event;
string str = "Mouse Up detected, Key: ";
str += tostr(e->getMouseButton());
void MouseTest::onMouseMove(Event *event)
// to illustrate the event....
EventMouse* e = (EventMouse*)event;
string str = "MousePosition X:";
str = str + tostr(e->getCursorX()) + "Y:" + tostr(e->getCursorY());
}< br />
void MouseTest::onMouseScroll(Event *event)
// to illustrate the event....
EventMouse* e = (EventMouse*)event;
string str = "Mouse Scroll detected, X: ";
str = str + tostr(e->getScrollX()) + "Y:" + tostr(e->getScrollY());< br />}