I use android in Manifest.xml: theme = “@ android:style / Theme.Holo.Light.NoActionBar”.
The problem is. My index.html file has a red background Therefore, when I scroll up in the app and it bounces at the bottom, I see a white background: (. It’s really annoying and ruins the appearance of the entire app.
So now I want to change Change the white background to other colors. Or I want to use some images as the background of the webview.
I am using phonegap.2.7.0 please help me to solve this problem.
. ui-mobile .ui-page {
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f4f3ff, rgba(93, 177, 223, 0.75));
You can use image as background or use color
I am developing an application in Phonegap. I have enabled
I use android in Manifest.xml: theme = “@ android:style / Theme.Holo.Light.NoActionBar “.
The problem is. My index.html file has a red background. Therefore, when I scroll up in the app and it bounces at the bottom, I see a white background:(. It’s really annoying , Destroys the appearance of the whole application.
So now I want to change the white background to other colors. Or I want to use some images as the background of the webview.
I am using phonega p.2.7.0 Please help me solve this problem.
Add the following code to the css file and import the css file
< p>.ui-mobile .ui-page {
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f4f3ff, rgba(93, 177, 223, 0.75) );
You can use image as background or use color