>Install the plugin
>Add google-services.json to My root folder
I want to test through their test server, but I get an error:
ERROR: invalid api key
The key I inserted is the key in the google-service.json file in the entry:
"api_key": [{"current_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }]
How do I perform the test correctly?
I use cordova-plugin-fcm. I follow the installation instructions:
>Install the plugin
>Change google-services. Add json to my root folder
I want to test through their testing server, but I get an error:
ERROR: invalid api key
The key I inserted is the key in the google-service.json file in the entry:
"api_key": [{"current_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}]
How do I perform the test correctly?
When using FCM, you should always use the server key displayed in the Cloud Messaging tab in the Firebase Console.