IOS app preparation, so that I can add an application to purchase later.

I’m currently developing a “basic” version of an iOS app. At some point in the future, I want to add features that I want to offer as an in-app purchase. What steps must I take Can I make sure that I can expand my application in the future?

(Note: I am not looking for tips or tutorials on how to write in-app purchases, I just want to make sure I can add in-app purchases in the future.)

If you want to integrate in-app purchases or APNS, the most important thing to remember is that when you create an app and upload it When you go to the App Store, please do not put wildcards in the package identifier.

The general convention followed all over the world is com.yourcompanyname.appname.

Therefore, please do not use Add “*” or any other wild card characters after appname.

This is the most important thing you need to take care of now.

I’m currently A “basic” version of the iOS app is being developed. At some point in the future, I want to add features that I want to offer as an in-app purchase. What steps must I take to ensure that I can expand my app in the future?

(Note: I am not looking for tips or tutorials on how to write in-app purchases, I just want to make sure I can add in-app purchases in the future.)

If you want to integrate in-app purchases or APNS, the most important thing to remember is that when you create an app and upload it to the App Store, don’t include it in the package identifier Place wildcards.

The general convention followed all over the world is com.yourcompanyname.appname.

Therefore, please do not add “*” or any other wild card after appname Characters.

This is the most important thing you need to take care of now.

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