for example: org.eclipse. platform_3.6.1_12345678
So, by changing the Eclipse installation directory, and then starting Eclipse, a new subfolder was created, and my knowledge of the plug-in was installed.
Why Eclipse Would do this? How can I manage Eclipse so that I can bind 2 directories together so that I can move the installation folder freely without breaking anything?
Are there any good practices for managing multiple Eclipse installations in terms of configuration (plug-in) and workspace?
In each different version of the eclipse.ini file, you can add the following JVM parameters (make sure to add this line below the -vmargs line)
[email protected]/.eclipse
is any identifier you choose for a specific version of eclipse.
This should help keep the different configurations separate and prevent them from stepping on each other.
Hope this can help.
I recently reorganized my Eclipse installation directory to meet various styles of Eclipse (Helios, Indigo, Juno), but This caused a problem because the “.eclipse” directory (located in my home directory) has a sub folder that identifies the eclipse version but ends with a suffix that I think identifies the installation directory
for example: org.eclipse.platform_3.6.1_12345678
So, by changing the Eclipse installation directory, and then starting Eclipse, a new subfolder was created, and my plug-in was installed Knowledge.
Why does Eclipse do this? How can I manage Eclipse so that I can bind 2 directories together so that I can move the installation folder freely without breaking anything?
Are there any good practices for managing multiple Eclipse installations in terms of configuration (plug-in) and workspace?
By default, eclipse always stores its local configuration in the user’s home.eclipse folder. You can override the default value.
< /p>
In each different version of eclipse.ini file, you can add the following JVM parameters (make sure to add this line below the -vmargs line)
- [email protected]/.eclipse
It’s you Any identifier chosen for a specific version of eclipse.
This should help keep the different configurations separate and prevent them from stepping on each other.
Hope this helps.