Jetty Runner introduction:
For a fast and easy way to run your webapp, without having to install and administer a Jetty distro, use the Jetty Runner.
Download link:
Detailed use of parameters :Https://
Write a simple batch process and drag into the war package to automatically deploy:
@echo offcolor acd /d %~dp0set runner=jetty-runner-9.4.6.v20170531.jarset war=%~f1if "< span class="hljs-envvar">%war%"=="" set /p war=Please drag into the war package:::echo %war%java -jar %runner% %war%pause
Jetty Runner introduction:
For a fast and easy way to run your webapp, without having to install and administer a Jetty distro, use the Jetty Runner.
Download address:
Detailed use Parameters:
Write a simple batch process and drag into the war package to automatically deploy:
@echo offcolor acd /d %~dp0set runner=jetty-runner-9.4.6.v20170531.jarset war=%~f1if " %war%"=="" set /p war=Please drag into the war package:::echo %war%java -jar %runner% < span class="hljs-envvar">%war%pause