Project tuning
As an engineer, project tuning is something that must be mastered proficiently.
In the SpringBoot project, tuning is mainly carried out through configuration files and configuration of JVM parameters.
There is a good article here, I recommend it to everyone!
SpringBoot project configuration Tomcat and JVM parameters
One, modify the configuration file
About modifying the configuration file
SpringBoot project detailed configuration file modification documents
Among them, the more important ones are:
server.tomcat.max-connections=0 # Maximum number of connections that the server accepts and processes at any given time. server.tomcat< span class="hljs-preprocessor">.max-http-header-size=0 # Maximum size, in bytes, of the HTTP message header. server.tomcat.max-http- post-size=0 # Maximum size, in bytes, of the HTTP post content. server.tomcat.max-threads=0 # Maximum number of worker threads. server.tomcat.min-spare-threads=0 # Minimum number of worker threads.< /span>
Second, Jvm tuning
There is a guide on the Oracle official website for Jvm tuning:
Oracle’s official website’s instructions on Jvm tuning
If you are interested, you can check it out.
three, Jvm tuning actual combat
1, the case of not setting JVM parameters
I currently have a project. By default, no Jvm parameters are set.
Let me start and take a look.
2, let’s set the Jvm parameters
For example To configure JVM such a large number of parameters:
-XX:MetaspaceSize=128m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=128m -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -Xmn256m -Xss256k -XX:SurvivorRatio =8 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC< /span>
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Method 1:
If you are using IDEA and other development tools to start and run the project, you need to debug JDK is too convenient.
Just set the parameter value to VM options
mvn clean
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< img alt="Write the picture description here" title="" src="/wp-content/uploads/images/opensource/spring/
Packing the new project:
< pre name="code" class="prettyprint">mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true span>
After packaging, enter the path where the Jar package can be run:
$ java -jar -XX:MetaspaceSize=128m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=128m -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -Xmn256m < span class="hljs-attribute">-Xss256k -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX< span class="hljs-string">:+UseConcMarkSweepGC newframe-
At this time, if you look at the monitoring again, you will find, It’s Ok already.
The stack is started according to the Jvm parameters set at startup.