1. First configure the network connection method
VMware select edit->Virtual network editor->VMnet0 bridge mode
2, configure the network card
vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
(1) HWADDR network card address, check whether it is local to the virtual machine The same in CentOS6.8-64-INIT.vmx in the directory
(2)ONBOOT must be yes
(3)BOOTPROTO is static
(4)IPADDR is set The static IP, NETMASK is the subnet mask, and GATEWAY is the gateway. All are the same as your own network.
Save the file and modify successfully
3. Restart the network card
service network restart
4. Pop-up interface eth0: Error: No suitable device was found. . .
There is no IPv4 when querying the host IP
vim /etc/udev/rules.d/70- persistent-net.rules
< p>Paste the copied code below
Save and exit
service network restart