- One, Python
- 1. Install Python3 from source
- 2. SCL install Python3
- 3. Virtual environment venv
- 4. Install Flask
- 5. Install gunicorn
- Second, install Nginx
- 1. Install Nginx
- 2. Important instructions
- Three, set up Nginx server
- 1. Create directory structure
- 2. Configure server
- 3. Flask + Nginx + Gunicorn
- 4. Supervisor
- 1. Install supervisor
- 2. Custom configuration example
- 3. Used
- 4. Boot
- Five. Flask+Gunicorn+Nginx+Supervisord
- 1. Directory structure
- 2. Main program
- 3. Define startup items
- 4. Define supervisord
- 5. Configure nginx
- 6 . Command
- Better solution
- Redefine supervisord
- Command
< li>Reference
1. Source installation Python3
# Developer Tools
$ sudo yum -y install yum-utils
$ sudo yum-builddep python
# Download and unzip
$ wget
$ tar -zxf Python-3.6. 8.tgz
$ cd Python-3.6.8/
# Compile and install
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ python3 --version
# Set the default version
$ alias python='/usr/local/bin/python3.6'
2. SCL install Python3
# 1. Activate SCL$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl# 2. Install python3$ sudo yum install rh-python36# 3. Use python3$ python --versionPython 2.7.5$ scl enable rh-python36 bash$ python --versionPython 3.6.3# 4. Install development tools$ sudo yum groupinstall'Development Tools'
Note :
Set the python3 version here. If you reopen the session, the default python2.7 will be restored
Set the default
$ scl enable python36
$ scl enable python36 bash
3. virtual environment venv
$ mkdir myapp$ cd myapp$ scl enable rh-python36 bash$ python -m venv env$ source env/bin/activate(env) [[emailprotected]_0_6_centos myapp]$
4 . Install Flask
from flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route('/') def hello_world(): return'Hello World!'
(env) [[emailprotected]_0_6_centos myapp]$pip install --upgrade pip(env) [[emailprotected]_0_6_centos myapp]$pip install Flask(env) [[emailprotected]_0_6_centos myapp]$ export FLASK_APP=hello(env) [[emailprotected]_0_6_centos myapp]$ flask run(env) [[emailprotected]_0_6_centos myapp]$ deactivate< /pre>5. Install gunicorn
(env) [[email protected]_0_6_centos myapp]$ pip3 install gunicorn
(env) [[emailprotected] _0_6_centos myapp]# gunicorn hello:appSecond, install Nginx
1. Install Nginx
# 1. Install Nginxyum -y install nginxsystemctl enable nginxsystemctl start ngi nxsystemctl status nginx# 2. Release port firewall HTTP (`80`) and HTTPS (`443`) ports.firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=httpfirewall-cmd --permanent --zone =public --add-service=httpssudo firewall-cmd --reload# 3. Browser `http://YOUR_IP`2. Important instructions
# Start the service
sudo systemctl start nginx·#No output
sudo service start nginx #release command
# Startup
sudo systemctl enable nginx
# Shut down the service
sudo systemctl stop nginx
sudo service stop nginx
# Restart
sudo systemctl restart nginx
sudo service restart nginx
# Reload
When changing the Nginx configuration, you need to reload or restart Nginx
sudo systemctl reload nginx
sudo service reload nginx< br />
# Test syntax error
sudo nginx -t
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
# View nginx status
sudo systemctl status nginx
# View nginx version
sudo nginx -v
# Output Nginx version and configuration options
sudo nginx -VCommand summary:
sudo systemctl stop nginxsudo systemctl start nginxsudo systemctl restart nginxsudo systemctl reload nginxsudo systemctl disable nginxsudo systemctl enable nginxthree, set up Nginx server
1. create directory structure
│ └── public_html
│ └── public_html
│ └── public_html
- New file
mkdir -p /var/ www/
- Create
sudo nano /var/www/ public_html/index.htmlUse the
text editor to paste/var/www/
Case test
Successful deployment
< /html>
- Modify user group
sudo chown -R nginx: /var/www/example.com2. Configure server h3>
The Nginx server block configuration file must end with
and be stored in the directory/etc/nginx/conf.d
1. New
server {< br /> listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
root /var/www/;
index index.html ;
access_log /var/log/nginx/;
error_log /var /log/nginx/;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
- Test configuration
sudo nginx -t
nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
- Restart
sudo systemctl restart nginx
3. Flask + Nginx + Gunicorn
- Configure server
server {
listen 80;
access_log /var/log/nginx/hello/access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/hello/error.log;
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-Ip $remote_addr;
- Start
$ cd myapp/$ source env/bin/activate# Create log folder (env) $ mkdir -p /var/log/nginx/hello/# Modify owner (env) $ sudo chown -R nginx: /var/log/nginx/hello(env) $ sudo nginx -t(env) $ systemctl reload nginx(env) $ gunicorn hello:app
- View process
# pstree -ap|grep gunicornfour, Supervisor
Process management tool, convenient to monitor, start, stop, restart one or more Processes.
- Supervisor: The name of the software to be installed.
- Supervisord: After installing the supervisor software, supervisord is used to start the supervisor service.
- supervisorctl: used to manage the program in the supervisor configuration file.
1. Install supervisor
yum -y install supervisor
# Generate 2 files
` - /etc/
|-- ...
|-- supervisord.conf # configuration file
`-- supervisord.d/ # configuration folder
Modify supervisord.conf
logfile=/var/log/supervisor/supervisord.log; (main log file;default $CWD/supervisord.log)
logfile_maxbytes=50MB; (max main logfile bytes b4 rotation;default 50MB)
logfile_backups =10; (num of main logfile rotation backups;default 10)
loglevel=info; (log level;default info; others: debug,warn,trace)
pidfile=/var/run/supervisord. pid; (supervisord pidfile;default
nodaemon=false; (start in foreground if true;default false)
minfds=1024; (min. avail startup file descriptors;default 1024)
minprocs=200; (min. avail pr ocess descriptors;default 200)
supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface
files = supervisord.d/*.ini
2. Custom configuration example
- Test program structure
`-- dosupervisor/
|-- log/ # log folder
| |-- long.err.log #error
| `-- long.out.log #output
`-- # calling program< br />
while true
# Echo current date to stdout
echo `date`
# Echo'error!' to stderr
echo'error!' >&2
sleep 1
- Configuration< code>long_script.conf
# /etc/supervisord.d/long_script.conf
command= /root/dosupervisor/
stderr_logfile=/root/dosupervisor/log/ r.log
- Check status
[[emailprotected]_0_6_centos ~]# supervisorctl status
long_script RUNNING pid 16862, uptime 0:00:51
[[emailprotected]_0_6_centos ~]# supervisorctl stop long_script
long_script: stopped
[[email protected]_0_6_centos ~]# supervisorctl status
long_script STOPPED Aug 02 11:22 PM
- Scroll to view results
tail -f long.out .log
3. Instructions used
yum -y remove supervisor #Uninstall
supervisord --version
< br /># Initial configuration
echo_supervisord_conf> /etc/supervisord.conf
supervisord: start supervisor
supervisorctl reload: restart supervisor after modifying the configuration file< br />supervisorctl status: view the process status of supervisor supervision
supervisorctl start process name: start XXX process
supervisorctl stop process name: stop XXX process
supervisorctl stop all: stop all processes.
supervisorctl update: According to the latest configuration file, start a new configuration or a modified process, the process without configuration changes will not be affected and restart
# Watch process service
ps -ef | grep supervisord
#Start supervisor, -c make configuration file to read
supervisord -c /etc/supervisord.d/long_script.conf
#Close the supervisor
supervisorctl shutdown
#Reload the supervisor configuration file and restart the supervisor
supervisorctl reload
# Set boot up
systemctl enable supervisord
4. Startup
systemctl enable supervisord
systemctl is-enabled supervisord
systemctl stop supervisord
systemctl start supervisord
systemctl status supervisord
systemctl reload supervisord
systemctl restart supervisord
systemctl restart supervisord
supervisorctl reload
five. Flask+Gunicorn+Nginx+Supervisord
1. Directory structure
$ tree -I "env|__pycache*| *.pyc" -FCL 3
2. Main program
$ cat
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello() :
return'hello word
if __name__ =='__main__':'',debug =True)
3. Define startup item
$ cat
cd /root/myapp
source env/bin/activate
gunicorn hello:app
4. Define supervisord
$ cat /etc/supervisord.d/hello.ini
5. Configuration nginx
$ cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/hello.conf server {
listen 80;
access_log / var/log/nginx/hello/access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/hello/error.log;
location / {< br /> proxy_pass;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-Ip $remote_addr;
6. Command
systemctl restart supervisord
supervisorctl reload
better solution
The above method can only be started, cannot be stopped or restarted
Redefine supervisord
$ cat /etc /supervisord.d/hello.ini
command=/root/myapp/env/bin/gunicorn hello:app
(env) [[email protected]_0_6_centos bin]# supervisorctl reload
Restarted supervisord
(env) [ [email protected]_0_6_centos bin]# supervisorctl stop hello
hello: stopped
(env) [[email protected]_0_6_centos bin]# supervisorctl star t hello
hello: started
[1]. Deploying a Flask Site Using NGINX Gunicorn, Supervisor and Virtualenv on Ubuntu
[2]. Centos7 installation supervisor detailed tutorial
[3]. python web deployment: nginx + gunicorn + supervisor + flask deployment notes
- 1. Python
- 1. Install Python3 from source
- 2 . SCL install Python3
- 3. Virtual environment venv
- 4. Install Flask
- 5. Install gunicorn
- 2. Install Nginx
- 1. Install Nginx
- 2. Important instructions
- 3. Set Nginx server
- 1. Create directory structure
- 2. Configure server
- 3. Flask + Nginx + Gunicorn
- Four 、Supervisor
- 1. Install supervisor
- 2. Custom configuration example
- 3. Commands used
- 4. Boot up< /li>
- 5. Flask+Gunicorn+Nginx+Supervisord
- 1. Directory structure
- 2. Main program
- 3. Define startup items
- 4. Define supervisord
- 5. Configure ngin x
- 6. Command
- Better solution
- Redefine supervisord
- Command
- Reference
- One, Python
- 1. Source installation Python3
- 2. SCL install Python3
- 3. Virtual environment venv
- 4. Install Flask
- 5. Install gunicorn
- 2. Install Nginx
- 1. Install Nginx
- 2. Important instructions
- 1. Create directory structure
- 2. Configure server
- 3. Flask + Nginx + Gunicorn
- 4. Supervisor
- 1. Install supervisor
- 2. Custom configuration example
- 3. Instructions used
- 4. Boot up
- Five. Flask+Gunicorn+Nginx+Supervisord
- 1. Directory structure
- 2 . Main program
- 3. Define startup items
- 4. Define supervisord
- 5. Configure nginx
- 6. Command
- Better solution
- Redefine supervisord
- Command
- Reference
< li>Three, set up Nginx server