String bytes | String
06 00 | C0 E1 E0 E8 F1 E0
The problem is that I don’t know how the string is encoded. I know what the string should be: Abela
Who can recognize The encoding used?
It seems to be some trivial 8-bit (non-Unicode) ASCII (probably ANSI) encryption. Compare your unknown encoding with ASCII:
Unknown ASCII
A CO 1100 0000 41 0100 0001
b E1 1110 0001 62 0110 0010
a E0 1110 0000 61 0110 0001
i E8 1110 1000 69 0110 1001
r F1 1111 0001 72 0111 0010
a E0 1110 0000 61 0110 0001
Let’s define:
> MSB: The first nibble = the most important 4 bits
> LSB: the second nibble = the least significant 4 bits
> _U: unknown
Then you will find:
> MSB_U = MSB_A Xor 0x80 (probably MSB_A or 0x80)
> LSB_U = LSB_A 1 (tell how to deal with overflow I need to see the ASCII character’O’ or’o ‘)
>Then U is the concatenation of MSB_U & LSB_U.
More examples from ASCII to Unknown:
ASCII Hex MSB LSB MSB Xor 0x80 LSB -1 Concatenated Hex
H 48 0100 1000 1100 1001 1100 0111 C7
e 65 0110 1001 1110 1010 1110 1000 E8
r 72 0111 0010 1111 0011 1111 0001 F1 (as you have shown)
b 62 0110 0010 1110 0011 1110 0001 E1 (do.)
I have a .bin saved with a VB program. The bin format is:
String bytes | String
06 00 | C0 E1 E0 E8 F1 E0
The problem is I don’t know How is the string encoded. I know what the string should be: Abela
Who can recognize the encoding used?
I don’t know any standard character encoding. It is neither ASCII nor EBCDIC.
It seems to be something trivial 8-bit (non-Unicode) ASCII (probably ANSI) encryption. Compare your unknown encoding with ASCII:
Unknown ASCII
A CO 1100 0000 41 0100 0001
b E1 1110 0001 62 0110 0010
a E0 1110 0000 61 0110 0001
i E8 1110 1000 69 0110 1001
r F1 1111 0001 72 0111 0010
a E0 1110 0000 61 0110 0001
Let’s define:
> MSB: the first nibble = the most important 4 bits
> LSB: Second nibble = least significant 4 bits
> _U: Unknown
Then you will find:
> MSB_U = MSB_A Xor 0x80 (probably MSB_A or 0x80)
> LSB_U = LSB_A 1 (tell how to deal with overflow I need to see the ASCII character’O’ or’o’)
>Then U is the concatenation of MSB_U & LSB_U .
More examples from ASCII to Unknown:
ASCII Hex MSB LSB MSB Xor 0x80 LSB-1 Concatenated Hex
H 48 0100 1000 1100 1001 1100 0111 C7
e 65 0110 1001 1110 1010 1110 1000 E8
r 72 0111 0010 1111 0011 1111 0001 F1 (as you have shown)
b 62 0110 0010 1110 0 011 1110 0001 E1 (do.)