Click to get the window
The rubbish topic destroys my youth.
The word problem of the deque, the template problem of the sliding window?
Why are all playing simulations except me, I use STL???
The operation is performed while reading, the maximum and minimum operations are separated, and the subscript of the number is stored in the queue
If the time limit is over, pop up from the front.
When taking the minimum value, put the smallest at the head of the line. If the new element is smaller than the end of the line, it will be popped to the end, because you don’t need it.
When taking the maximum value, put the largest one at the head of the line. If the new element is larger than the end of the line, it will be popped up to the end, because you don’t need it. *2
Finally output, don’t forget to add between the numbers Spaces and line breaks
The code is as follows:
#include #include #include #include #include #include #define maxn 1000006using namespace std;int n,k;int num[maxn];int maxx[maxn],minn[maxn];de que<int >q1;deque< /span><int >q2;inline void rd(int &x){ scanf("%d",&x);}inline void work(){ < span class="hljs-keyword">for(int i = 1;i < = n;i++) {rd(num[i]); while(!q1.empty() && num[q1.back()] >= num[i ]) q1.pop_back(); q1.push_back(i); if(i >= k) {while(!q1.empty() && q1.front() <= (ik)) q1.pop_front(); minn[i] = num[q1.front()];} while(!q2.empty() && num[q2.back()] <= num[i]) q2.pop_back(); q2.push_back(i); if(i >= k) {while(!q2.empty() && q2.front() <= (ik) ) q2.pop_front(); maxx[i] = num[q2.front()];}} for(int i = k;i <= n;i++) printf("%d ", minn[i]);puts("
"); for(int i = k;i <= n;i++) printf( "%d ",maxx[i]);puts("
");}int main(){ rd(n);rd(k); work();return 0;}
By Peacefuldoge
Click to get the window
Ruin me youth.
The word problem of the deque, the template problem of the sliding window?
Why are all playing simulations except me, I use STL???
The operation is performed while reading, the maximum and minimum operations are separated, and the subscript of the number is stored in the queue
If the time limit is over, pop up from the front.
When taking the minimum value, put the smallest at the head of the line. If the new element is smaller than the end of the line, it will be popped to the end, because you don’t need it.
When taking the maximum value, put the largest one at the head of the line. If the new element is larger than the end of the line, it will be popped up to the end, because you don’t need it. *2
Finally output, don’t forget to add between the numbers Spaces and line breaks
The code is as follows:
#include #include #include #include #include #include #define maxn 1000006using namespace std;int n,k;int num[maxn];int maxx[maxn],minn[maxn];deque span><int >q1;deque <int >q2;inline void< /span> rd(int &x){ scanf(" %d",&x);}inline void work(){ for(int i = 1;i <= n; i++) {rd(num[i]); while(!q1.empty() && num[q1.back()] >= num[i]) q1 .pop_back(); q1.push_back(i); if(i >= k) {while( !q1.empty() && q1.front() <= (ik)) q1.pop_front(); minn[i] = num[q1.front()];} while(!q2.empty() && num[q2.back()] <= num[i]) q2.pop_back(); q2.push_back(i); if(i >= k) {while(!q2.empty() && q2.front() <= (ik)) q2.pop_front(); maxx[i] = num[q2.front()];}} for(int< /span> i = k;i <= n;i++) printf("%d ",minn [i]);puts("
"); for(int i = k;i <= n;i++) printf(< span class="hljs-string">"%d ",maxx[i]);puts( "
");}int main(){ rd(n);rd(k); work();return 0;}
By Peacefuldoge
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