- Select a reference element, usually select the first element or the last element, through a scan, divide the sequence to be sorted into two parts, one is smaller than the reference element, and the other is greater than or equal to the reference element.
- At this time, the reference element is in the correct position after sorting, and then the two parts are sorted recursively in the same way.
public class quickSort {
inta[]={49,38,65,97,76,13,27,49,78,34,12, 64,5,4,62,99,98,54,56,17,18,23,34,15,35,25,53,51};
public quickSort(){
for(int i=0;i
System.out.println(a[ i]);
public int getMiddle(int[] list, int low, int high) {
int tmp = list[ low]; //The first of the array is used as the central axis
while (low
while (low = tmp) {
list[low] = list[high]; //The record smaller than the middle axis is moved to Low-end
while (low
list[high] = list[low]; //The record larger than the middle axis is moved to the high end
list[l ow] = tmp; //The bottom line is recorded to the end
return low; //The position of the bottom line is returned
public void _quickSort (int[] list, int low, int high) {
if (low
int middle = getMiddle(list, low, high); // Divide the list array into two
_quickSort(list, low, middle-1); //recursively sort the low word list
_quickSort(list, middle + 1, high); //Recursively sort the high word list
public void quick(int[] a2) {
if (a2.length> 0) {//Check if the array is empty
_quickSort(a2, 0, a2.length-1);
< br />}