Question: Port 8080 cannot be accessed
The first step is to check whether the Alibaba Cloud port is open
Network Security>Security Group>Configuration Rule>Add Incoming Direction
The second step is to check whether the firewall is turned on (Only when the firewall is turned on)
Check firewall status: systemctl status firewalld
Check which ports the firewall opens: firewall-cmd –list-ports
Add port 8080 to the firewall: firewall-cmd –zone =public –add-port=8080/tcp –permanent
Restart the firewall: systemctl restart firewalld.service
Review the open ports
So far the problem is solved
Common firewall commands:
1. Check firewall status: systemctl st atus firewalld
2, turn off the firewall: systemctl status firewalld
3, turn on disable: systemctl disable firewalld
4, turn on: systemctl enable firewalld
5. Restart the firewall: systemctl restart firewalld.service
6. Check which ports the firewall has opened: firewall-cmd –list-ports
7. Open a certain Port: firewall-cmd –zone=public –add-port=80/tcp –permanent
–zone #Scope
–add-port=80/ tcp #Add port, the format is: port/communication protocol
–permanent #Permanent effective, invalid after restart without this parameter