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Problem solution
I thought about it for ten minutes without any thoughts.
Then I caught a glimpse of the sentence “The data is guaranteed to be solved in \(p\)“, and \(p \leq 19997\)…
Then this question is to replace the numbers in the congruence class BSGS with a matrix.
The problem is how to quickly determine whether two matrices are equal. Hash chant.
Then there is no more.
It is recommended to write a version of BSGS that does not require inversion.
#include#include #define fec(i, x, y) (int i = head[x], y = g [i].to; i; i = g[i].ne, y = g[i].to)#define dbg(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)#define File(x) freopen(#x ".in", "r", stdin), freopen(#x".out", "w", stdout)#define fi first#define se second#define pb push_backtemplate inline char smax( A &a, const B &b) {return a inline char smin(A &a, const B &b) {return b pii;template inline void read(I &x) {int f = 0, c; while (!isdigit(c = getchar())) c =='-'? f = 1: 0; x = c & 15; while (isdigit(c = getchar())) x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + (c & 15); f? x = -x: 0;)const int N = 70 + 7;const int base = 1997;int n, P;std::tr1::unordered_map< ull, int> mp;inline int smod(int x) {return x >= P? x-P: x; }inline void sadd(int &x, c onst int &y) {x += y; x >= P? x -= P: x; }inline int fpow(int x, int y) {int ans = 1; for (; y; y >>= 1, x = (ll)x * x% P) if (y & 1) ans = (ll)ans * x% P; return ans;}struct Matrix {int a[N][N]; inline Matrix() {memset (a, 0, sizeof(a));} inline Matrix(const int &x) {memset(a, 0, sizeof(a)); for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) a[ i][i] = x;} inline Matrix operator * (const Matrix &b) {Matrix c; for (int k = 1; k <= n; ++k) for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j) sadd(ca[i][j], (ll)a[i][k] * ba[k][j]% P ); return c;} inline ull hash() {ull ha = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j) ha = ha * base + (a[i][j] + 1); return ha; }) A, B;inline Matrix fpow(Matrix x, int y) {Matrix ans(1); for (; y; y> >= 1, x = x * x) if (y & 1) ans = ans * x; return ans;}inline int bsgs() {int m = sq rt(P); Matrix C = B, e; for (int i = 0; i