1. Create an empty asp.net Web project, add a reference to NuGet.Server, and publish this website to IIS.
etstandard2.0) < /div>
If IIS is equipped with webconfig
It is also possible Directly click the menu File–>Publish
6.当需要更新NuGet包,只需在Package Console中,输入Update-Package
参阅: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/hosting -packages/nuget-server
https://www.cnblogs.com/chenug/p/9290281.html del *.nupkg ; dotnet build ;dotnet pack –output $pwd;$nupkg= dir * .nupkg; dotnet nuget push $nupkg nugetpassword -Source
Some internally used components, unified management, automatic upgrade.
1. Newly created empty Asp.net Web project, add reference to NuGet.Server, publish this website to IIS.
2. Install NuGet Package Explore
Open powershell as an administrator
Set-executionpolicy remotesigned
Iwr https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1 -UseBasicParsing | iex
choco install nugetpackageexplorer
3. Open NuGet Package Explore,
Create a new file,
Set ID and Version information,
Under the Content menu, add a file (note that the type of dll is added to a similar folder such as Lib
etstandard2.0)< /p>
Save the file to the Packages file of IIS.
If IIS is equipped with webconfig
It is also possible Directly click on the menu File–>Publish
You can also directly click the menu File–>Publish
4. Set Nuget source. tool–>options–>NuGet Package Manager–>Packager Source–>[Add] button
Name: MyNuGet
Source= http://localhost:9001/ nuget
Click the [Update] button
Click the [OK] button
5. In the project that needs to be referenced, right-click to add the NuGet package, select the MyNuGet source, Browse the packages and click Install.
6.当需要更新NuGet包,只需在Package Console中,输入Update-Package
参阅: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/hosting -packages/nuget-server
https://www.cnblogs.com/chenug/p/9290281.html del *.nupkg ; dotnet build ;dotnet pack –output $pwd;$nupkg= dir * .nupkg; dotnet nuget push $nupkg nugetpassword -Source