I I checked every option in the menu, but I have not been able to find this feature. In addition, I tried to edit the connection string and add “;PWD=” or “;password=” but no luck. In my opinion, the login data and The queries should be separated, but they are not.
It seems that there is a difference between the Mac and Windows versions of Excel. Maybe this is not possible for Mac. A similar post refers to “use trusted connections” Option, but I can’t see this on Mac.
Excel – Microsoft Query – SQL Server login – “Use Trusted Connection” default setting
Thank you.
I am building an Excel Mac 2016 file that uses the embedded Microsoft Query service to establish multiple connections to SQL Server. The problem is that I cannot store the password in the connection: every time I open it Excel will ask for the password for each connection when you file, although it is always the same (now I have 8 connections). No checkboxes or options for storing passwords are displayed.
I I checked every option in the menu, but I have not been able to find this feature. In addition, I tried to edit the connection string and add “;PWD=” or “;password=” but no luck. In my opinion, the login data and The queries should be separated, but they are not.
It seems that Mac and Win There are differences between dows versions of Excel. Maybe this is not possible for Mac. Similar posts refer to the “Use trusted connection” option, but I can’t see this on Mac.
< p>Excel – Microsoft Query – SQL Server login – “Use Trusted Connection” default setting
Thank you.
It won’t let I add a comment, so I want to add an answer. I am using Excel 2016 in Windows, and there is a save password checkbox below the connection string. I have completed several Microsoft queries using the embedded service, and I also set The connection to the system DSN. It’s weird to me because you are on a Mac and you missed that simple checkbox. If you have a checkbox, click it and save the file. Open it next time , You should not ask for the password again. Sorry, if this is completely useless.: – /