I have a mx: TextArea, and I want it to be the same height as its content. Nothing special-just a non-editable text area and text. I need something simple and reliable Method to make the control fi
Flex Report Tool Collection
The chart that comes with flex
The use of 05-02Open Flash Chart
05-01AmChart chart Use of
Flex – How to set the Name property of the Spark status as a string variable value in a statement
I have a spark state declared in mxml. I also have a class of string constants. I want my state name to match the string constant. Is it possible to do this directly in mxml and How to do this?
React-native – use separator React Native NativeBase ListView
I currently use React Native’s ListView to display a list with section headers (renderSectionHeader):
renderRow={(rowData) => }
Flex set and get keyword usage
Flex set and get keyword usage 1, set set definition keyword p> usage function set property (newValue: *): void {// your statements here} p> language version: strong> ActionScript 3.0
React-native – Find the entrance file index.ios.js in any root directory
My local version: 0.24.0
require(‘./entry’); entry.js:
AppRegistry.registerComponent(‘movieView’, () => require(‘. /pages/movie’)); All my business documents in the
React-native – Is there a way to force the webview link Click outside?
I have a WebView component that loads static HTML content:
The problem is that if someone clicks on the link, it will open in the app, I would rather force it to use the link in Safari Open i
How to optimize Dojo load time?
I am developing a business application based on PHP and PHP. Dojo toolkit. The interface is similar to what you see on the dojo dijit theme tester.
On the Internet, it takes a lot of time to
React-native – How to load images in the source code directory to WebView in React Native Android
When I try to load an image from the web to the webview, it works fine as shown below.
Hello” }} /> But I can’t put the source code directory Load the images in Webview. I tried to use the fo
ReactJS – use react-file-viewer
I am trying to use React-file-viewer. The Npm tutorial is here
but I have an error in the console: “You may need a suitable loader to handle this file Type”
This is my code:
import FileViewe