I am a Java programmer and now need to deal with Flex/ActionScript projects. I got an example of ITreeDataDesriptor using Flex 3 Cookbook, but there is a line of ActionScript code that is difficult
Delete Nested Comments BZ Lex
How to program in lex (or flex) to remove nested comments from the text and print only the text that is not in the comments?
I should somehow identify my state when I am commenting and the number
Close all modal dialogs in dojo
Does anyone know how to close all modal dialogs created by Dojo? Apparently there was a dojo.popup.closeAll function before, but it is no longer available in the latest version of Dojo API that com
Learn Dojo a good website: there are many small examples
React-native – How to stretch ScrollView to the entire screen in this machine?
I have this code
render() {
return (
} With style
scrollView: {
flex: 1,
containter: {
}, And th
Dojo Small Example (36) ResizableDialog Widget Scalable dialog
Add zoom function to dialogdefine([ “dojo/_base/declare”, “dijit/_WidgetBase”, “dijit/_TemplatedMixin”, “dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin”, “dojox/layout/ResizeHandle”, “dojox/widget/DialogSimple”],fu
Talking about some gadgets in dojox
Original: http://www.infoq.com/cn/articles/zx-dojox-gadgets
I wonder if you have paid attention to the various toolkits in dojo while using the various spaces of dojo? Some toolkits may not b
Dojo Learning Website
Dojo learning website: http://blog.csdn.net/trendgrucee/article/details/12650163
Record, dojo TabContainer introduces the method of IFRAME
lang.setObject(“demo.addTabiFrame”, function(tabContainer, href, title, closable){ if (typeof tabContainer === “string”){ tabContainer = registry.byId(tabContainer); var tab “registry.byId(tab} );
What is dojo? Macro comparison with jQuery, what is the result?
DojoWhat can you do? ?
1, to make it easier for developers to add dynamic capabilities to Web pages, and Dojo can also be used in other environments that support JavaScript;
2, using th