% ex2_2.m% Chapter 2: Optimization with Matlab% Dr. P.Venkataraman % Example 2 Sec.2.3%% graphical solution using matlab (two design variables)% Unconstrained function illustrating global minimum%
cocos creator box2d
title Map use box2d
var sfloors = this.tiledMap.getObjectGroup(‘Special_Floor’).getObjects(); //Get the object layer here
< span class="hljs-comment">for (let i = 0, l = sfloors. length
Dubbo upgrade 2.7 small test
Dubbo2.7 has very little information other than the official documents. Since the dubbo version in the project will be upgraded to the latest version later, so use a simple test to test it first (t
.NET development framework (3) – High availability server design
We gave a brief description of the framework’s functions. Please click here to view the demo video. If you need to view more technical articles of this framework, please follow the official account
2 reptile Requests module
requests module Requests are written in python language based on urllib, using the HTTP library of the Apache2 Licensed open source protocol, Requests is more convenient than urllib, and requests a
Algorithm – Quick filtering data structure (DELPHI)?
I am optimizing a part of a Delphi application, where the list of objects is often filtered using different criteria. The objects are stored in the TObjectList structure, and each filter is usually
Using the background task tools in the .Netcore Webapi project HANGFIRE
Install Hangfire Install Hangfire.Core, Hangfire.SqlServer, Hangfire.AspNetCore through nuget in the webapi project. The latest version so far is 1.7. 6.
can create a new database, or use
JMeter Save Return to CSV
Add a thread group, then right-click and select “Regular Expression Extractor”
Configure regular expressions:
Add the beanshell postprocessor:
Save the extracted data:
GLSL’TEXTURE2D ‘: No matching overload function OpenGL ES2 is found on the iPhone
I am trying to use the GLSL shader, but when I try to get data from the texture to try a simple contrast enhancement algorithm, I get an interesting error. < /p>
‘texture2D’: no matching ov
API Gateway Stage variables
Stage variables are name-value pairs that you can define as configuration attributes associated with a deployment stage of a REST API. They act like environment variables and can be used in your AP