I want to swap my array elements:
swap(&(self.profileImages[0]), &( self.profileImages[2])) But I get this error:
Simultaneous accesses to 0x102944a80, but modification requires exclusi
I want to swap my array elements:
swap(&(self.profileImages[0]), &( self.profileImages[2])) But I get this error:
Simultaneous accesses to 0x102944a80, but modification requires exclusi
Suppose I have a set of usernames
let users = [“Hello”, “1212”, “12”, “Bob”, “Rob”] I want to get the first user whose name length is 2, so I filtered the array and got the first user
Does anyone know what I am missing in order to manually add my own view controller to the UIPageViewController method?
I currently have this, I don’t know how to proceed:
NSDictionary *
Sample Input
Ab3bd Sample Output
The meaning of the question: give n, which means The length of the string given next is n. Insert a
26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Easy 1591 3410 Favorite Share < div> Given a sorted array nums, remove the duplicates in-place such that each element appear only once and return the
Farmer John has noticed that the quality of milk given by his cows varies from day to day. On further investigation, he discovered that although he can’t predict the quality of milk from one day to
I need to pass an int or long array (not important) from a VB6 application to the C# COM Visible class. I have tried declaring the interface in C# like this: < /p>
void Subscribe([MarshalAs(U
Whenever I see Ruby code saying:
arrayNames.collect {… } < p>I forgot what I collected, I have to find out what it is, and found that it is the same as map().
Map, I can understand, t
I have an array of integer and string fields. To make it different, I currently copy line by line to the new array, and each record checks whether the record already exists in new, if It’s not that
I wrote a userdata type for Lua in C language. It has some array type attributes and various methods. Now, if you are of this type, I use you: set (k,v)resp. u: Get (k) access data, such as u: sort