How to add button controls to the cells of the data grid? I want to have a button for each row in a column in the datagrid. The data grid control row does not need to be selected in any way. It’
Tag: cell
ActionScript-3 – Change the background color of the data grid cell according to multiple conditions in Flex
Hi, I’m new to Adobe Flex, if my question sounds stupid, please apologize. Here it is anyway.
I’m trying a simple data grid, it Basically checked two conditions
1) If the artist is 01 and the albu
SWIFT – UICOLLECTIONVIEW SCROLLTOITEMATINDEXPATH, not loaded before the animation is completed before the visible cell
I have a UICollectionView with 142 cells. I can see 7.5 at any time.
I am moving a cell from indexPath 0 To 100.
But I also want to scroll to that new position.
The code below works fin
Use Cell.ImageView.Image different size images. Quick
Can all images be set to the same size? I tried using cell.imageView? .frame.size.width = something. However, it does not work. Any suggestions? Thank you.
func tableView(tableView: UITableVi
iOS – UISEARCHBAR with UISTORYBOARD: segues and custom cells cannot work properly
I am using a storyboard and want to implement a UISearchbar for my UITableView. UISearchbarController generates a new UITableView, I use the following strategy:
< /p> if (tableView == self.ta
iOS – How toggle UITableView Cell Select Status
I have a UITableView with a custom Cell, the cell contains a UI ImageView and a UILabel. Now when I load my table for the first time, it will be in each Load the same image on the cell and differen
Delphi – How to color to DBGRID?
I have a column with only “Yes” and “No” values.
I think if the column value is “Yes”, only the cell background color will be red
Otherwise “No” and the background color is yellow
But this code co
C # Epplus export, set cell format, set column header style, set cell grid box, formatted date
//Data source DataTable
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage();
//Create Sheet
ExcelWorksheet workSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets
How to put the text box object on a specific cell when automating Excel?
We use VB.Net to automate Excel and try to place multiple lines of text on Excel worksheets that we can set to not print. Between these we will have printable reports.
If we add a text box object
iPhone – Add last cell to UITableView
I have a UITableView whose data source is NSMutableArray. The array consists of a set of objects. All cells are displayed in the correct order.
Now I want to know how to show that the last ce